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This pages includes summaries of our high-level goals, KPIs and milestones for Q1. Tying back to our overall goals for 2015 as outlined in the From Mozilla Learning Planand elsewhere.

2015 KPIs

  • 250k active Webmaker users (relationships)
  • 500 cities with ongoing learning network activity (reach)

Learning Networks

Q1 Goals

  • Retain volunteers recruited last year (goal: 4K)
  • Test new Webmaker Clubs model in 20 cities
  • Increase # of Hive cities to 10

Q1 Milestones

  • Webmaker Clubs testing begins in 100+ locales (Mar 15)
  • Online platform, credentialing & training reqs fully scoped (Mar 15)
  • Curriculum localization begins (Mar 30)

Learning Products

(Webmaker for desktop and mobile) Goals:

  • Engagement. Increase Webmaker monthly active users to 5% of monthly unique visitors (current = 2.07%)
  • plus: prototype 5 "Firefox for Making" concepts


  • Webmaker app beta launches at MWC (Mar 2 - 5)
  • "Firefox for Making" Opportunity Analysis ready for exec review (March 15)


More detail

Learning Networks


  • Retain aligned & locally active educators (goal: 4000)
  • Establish baseline for club leaders (goal: 40)
  • Establish baseline for club pilots (goal: 20 clubs)
  • 10 Hive cities

Learning Products

Refocus to address a broad audience of learners. Lower the barrier to participation. Build community features that encourage sustained involvement.

  • Q1: Increase MAU to 5% of MUV. Baseline = 2.07%
  • Q2: Increase 7day engagement to 10% of AU. Baseline = 4.36%
  • Q3: Increase 7day engagement to 20% of AU. Baseline = 4.36%
  • Q4: Increase 30day engagement to 6% of AU. Baseline = 1.37%

Expand to additional platforms (mobile and Firefox). Use ongoing campaigns, viral and Firefox channels to increase user funnel.

  • Double 30-day monthly unique visitors by end of 2015 (current = 300K)
  • Q1: Run at least 5 messaging and CTA tests targeted at individual learners (pre-launch)
  • Q2: Increase monthly unique visitors by 25% (current = 250K)
  • Q3: Increase monthly unique visitors by 25% (compared to Q2)
  • Q4: Increase monthly unique visitors by 25% (compared to Q3)

Increase number of mentors by adding value to established mentors teaching in external contexts. Add online mentoring in product.

  • Increase % of users “mentoring” within Webmaker to 4% of MAU. Baseline = 0.57%

Leadership Development

Strategy: develop a plan for a leadership development program as a part of Mozilla Learning.

  • KPI: Strategy and resourcing completed by end of Q2

Fellows: create shared definition of 'Mozilla Fellows' across programs and communities. Expand fellows programs to science, computer science and education.

  • KPI: Common definition of ‘Mozilla Fellow’ across existing programs by end of Q1.

Leadership training: prototype a Mozilla Handbook and short course focused on Mozilla values and methods. Run in concert with ReMo.

  • KPI: 100 people trained, 3 iterations of the course and handbook (by EOY?)

Learning Networks

2015 Goal: Learning Networks is focused on the ground game and local organizing. We will measure success in terms of a) PEOPLE and b) CITIES. Increasing the number of relationships we hold, and the number of places we reach.

  • Our Q1 focus is on retention, testing and some incremental growth. From now to April 1, we will:
    • Retain the mentors and educators we recruited last year. And deepen our relationships with them.
    • Develop and test a pilot Webmaker Clubs model.
    • Grow the number of Hive Cities.



  • Retention. Retain locally active mentors and educators. By doing x, y and z.
    • Goal: retain 4000 mentors. As measured by: y.
      • QUESTION: what's our starting point? how many people do we have now vs. # we hope to retain?
      • How do we know if they're still active? What's our measure for indicating whether we've retained them or not?


Cities Test new Webmaker Clubs model. And grow Hive into more cities.

  • Establish and test new Webmaker Clubs model. Pilot Clubs in 20 locales. Work with local leaders to develop curriculum, provide feedback on the model and run clubs).
  • Grow # of Hive Cities. From 7 to 10.

Key Deliverables

Where we are by April 1? What's the value / empowerment to the community?

  • Webmaker Clubs:
  • Maker Party: how we're transitioning to year-round / Webmaker Clubs
  • technology platform for Webmaker Clubs:
  • badges and credentialing:
  • curriculum:
  • training:
  • Hive (documentation / support for growth):

+ (Engagement)

  • partnerships
  • new geographies

Webmaker Clubs


Testing and early adoption. Test and run prototype model in 20 cities. Milestones:

  • All curriculum tested: Mar 30
    • Release 1: Reading for the Web. Ready for testing: Jan 27
    • Release 2. Writing for the Web. Ready for testing: Feb 10
    • Release 3. Participating on the Web. Ready for testing: Feb. 24
    • Test. Curriculum testing complete in 20 locales: March 30
  • Documentation shipped: Mar 1
    • Ship "How to Run a Webmaker Club" guide (v0.1): March 1
  • Program is scoped (v0.1): Mar 15
  • Online platform requirements finalized: March 15
  • Badge system needs are known, vetted by first cohort and assigned for Q2: March 15
  • Professional development needs are known, vetted by first cohort and assigned for Q2: March 15
  • Clubs model testing begins: Mar 15
    • Recruit Q2 test cohort, targeting 100+ new locales: March 15
  • Documentation & curriculum localized: Mar 30
    • Localization of v0.1 "How to run a club" guide and curriculum complete in 10+ languages: March 30

Dependencies (support team or initiative):

  • Learning Product: co-develop online "brochureware" of early club offering
  • MoFo Engagement: early storytelling and seeding recruitment of new locales for Q2 & Q3
  • Fundraising: scoping grants to fit into the club timeline and feature set.


  • MDN: curriculum and learning tools.
  • ReMo, Science Lab, and Policy & Advocacy programs
  • External Partners: CoderDojo, Digital Opportunity Trust, Afterschool Alliance and Telefonica.
  • Fundraising: expand beyond MacArthur support (e.g., Irvine, MOTT, NSF, Pinkerton,
  • McConnell, Ontario Trillium Foundation)

Comments / Risks / Blockers:

Learning Products

  • Provide great on-boarding experience for learners.
  • Engagement. Increase MAU to 5% of MUV. (Baseline = 2.07%)
  • Launch new Webmaker mobile app at MWC.
  • Growth
    • By end of year: Double monthly unique visitors (current = 300K)
    • Q1: Run at least 5 messaging and CTA tests targeted at individual learners (prelaunch)

Leadership Development

  • Start Mozilla Learning strategy process
  • Engage key MoFo community leads in this, e.g., OpenNews
  • Start ‘radical participation’ task force (Mitchell / Mark)
  • Run pilots to better link local volunteers / products.


  • x
  • y
  • z


  • x
  • y
  • z

New Communities

Open News

  • x
  • y
  • z

Science Lab

  • x
  • y
  • z


  • x
  • y
  • z


  • x
  • y
  • z