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Revision as of 15:52, 19 May 2015 by Hwine (talk | contribs) (Hal's plans)
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Meeting Info

  • 11 am Pacific Time
  • Vidyo room: DeveloperServices
  • Backchannel in #vcs

Hot items

  • On Call Handoff!!!
    • hwine → bkero
    • No open issues, TCW this Sat.


Last week

  • bkero
  • fubar
    • PTO
  • gps
  • hwine
    • hg.m.o meltdown caused by TC
    • vcs-sync
  • lmandel
  • smacleod

Planned for this week

  • bkero
  • fubar
  • gps
  • hwine
    • vcs-sync
    • TCW for releng
  • lmandel
  • smacleod

Other business

  • (hwine) App level logging for now. Papertrail?

PTOs, etc

  • Hal out Thursday, May 21 (Giants v. Dodgers, Go Giants!)


Q2 Goals