Firefox OS Cloud Roadmap

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This page aims to serve as a product backlog for all things Firefox OS Cloud. While a vast majority are still amidst discussions & are potentially placeholders.

Serial Num Epic High Level User Stories Notes Priority (H/M/L)
1 Information/Help/Landing Experience/FAQs As a user who may not be familiar with the concept of a cloud, I should have access to an informational firefox os cloud web page that provides me with high level inspiration on what is available to me and how to set it up and keep it accessible from all devices Example Example
2 Information/Help/Landing Experience/FAQs as a user who just acquired my FxOS smartphone, when I boot my phone, I should be given a choice to set up my cloud as well as a quick way to walk me through the high level features Example Example
3 Settings As a user who owns the FxOS Smartphone, I should have a super easy to use interface to set up my cloud with default and customizable options of what & how etc. Example Example
4 Settings As a user who'd like to backup my data on to the cloud, I should be given a choice to the available cloud storage entities so i can choose my preferred provider; could be providers that I already use vs. recommended by Mozilla? Example Example
5 Settings as a user who heavily uses my phone, my cloud backup utility should be super sensitive to my usage style, connectivity, time of use etc. so it backs up during my low usage times Example Example
6 Media As a user who uses my smartphone to take a lot of pictures, I want to make sure that my phone gives me a way to automatically or manually sync across all my devices as well as back up the data to the cloud Example Example
7 Media As a user who uses my smartphone to take a lot of videos, I want to make sure that my phone gives me a way to automatically or manually sync across all my devices as well as back up the data to the cloud Example Example
8 Contacts As a long time smartphone user who has a lot of contacts, I'd like the option to sync across all my devices as well as back up the data to the cloud Example Example
9 Messages As a tech savvy user who sends/receives a lot of messages, I would like the option to send/receive messages via my other connected devices Example Example
10 Messages as a tech savvy user who sends/receives a lot of messages, I should have the option to back up my messages to the cloud Example Example
11 Backup/Restore As a heavy smart phone user along w/ other connected devices, I should be able to backup my data to the cloud based on customizable collections. Example Example
12 Backup/Restore I should have a way to easily restore my device specific backups to the device of choice Example Example
13 3rd party apps as a heavy smart phone user who uses several 3rd party apps in addition to the OS specific apps, I should have a way to initiate synching/storing data from these apps to either my personal cloud or Mozilla offerings Example Example
14 3rd party apps as a 3rd party app developer, i should have a way to store my app data on Mozilla's cloud storage Example Example
15 Privacy/Security as a FxOS user who backs up data to the cloud, my data should be completely encrypted, even mozilla should not be able to read or access my data in any shape or form. Example Example
16 Family Share as a family with other members who are FxOS & non FxOs users, I would like to easily share my data with them Example Example
17 Browse sync as someone who uses firefox browser on my laptop, now with my recent smartphone purchase, i should have a way of accessing my bookmarks, open tabs, open articles, history, passwords, creditcards etc. from my connected devices. Example Example
18 Web interface As a user who is constantly backing up data to the cloud, I need an easy to use interface that allows me to access, organize/ retrieve my data on the cloud Example Example
19 Drive As someone who constantly authors documents, shares them, creates designs, notes etc., I should have a way of saving them to the cloud Example Example
20 Pricing as a user who is backing up my phone and associated data, i should have a clear callout and notification on data usage & pricing => the need will depend on the storage options we offer. Example Example
21 Billing as a user who has agreed to the price model, i should be notified of my monthly/yearly charges. my billing cycle should be customizable depending on the plan I decide to choose - monthly/yearly etc. => again, the need will depend on the storage options we offer. Example Example