MOSS/Foundational Technology/Projects We Use

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This is an incomplete list of the free software and open source projects Mozilla relies upon. As a starting point, it lists each project along with a short statement of how we depend on it. Where practical it would also be helpful to identify a Mozillian most closely associated with our use of each project.

Note that presence on this list isn't the same as applying for MOSS - projects have to make an application using the process on the main page.

This is a work in progress - please contribute to this list.

Project Description Contact within Mozilla
angular.js Used by A-Team for web apps (eg Treeherder) Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
Apache Server Used by A-Team for web apps Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
Ansible Used by IT (netops) and A-Team to manage deployments jbarnell , GPS?
BabelJS JavaScript compiler, Used by Gaia, TaskCluster team Selena Deckelmann
Blessings Terminal formatting lib used by mozilla-central build process Erik Rose
Bootstrap HTML/CSS/JS framework, used by many of Mozilla's sites. Webdev
brew / Homebrew Mac OS X packaging system, used to install dev tools Sam Penrose
bro The Bro Network Security Monitor Michal Purzynski
BuildBot The base system currently in use for release Dustin J. Mitchell
Bugzilla (upstream) The base Bugzilla on that we customize for Mozilla's use Glob
Celery Distributed task queue. Used by Treeherder and others. Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
CKEditor WYSIWYG editor on MDN
Chai JavaScript test and assertion library Cloud Services, Tarek Ziade's team (kinto.js), Firefox Hello team
Clang/LLVM C/C++ compiler and infrastructure Ehsan Akhgari
CodeMirror Used in DevTools, Thimble, and other online code tools David Humphrey/Simon Wex
Cookiecutter Templating system used to clone our Sugardough Django template Giorgos Logiotatidis
ConEmu Console emulator for Windows. Used by devs running Windows. Ed Morley
curl internet transfer tool and library, used by crashreporter and FirefoxOS Daniel Stenberg
Debian Used on many developer boxes Unknown (maybe Sylvestre Ledru) or glandium
Deis Open Source Heroku-like PaaS platform. Hosts,, etc. Member of Benjamin Sternthal's team Open, transparent, neutral Tracking Protection blocklist used in Firefox Private Browsing Windows Marshall Erwin, Javaun Moradi, Francois Marier
Discourse Community, Webmaker, Advocacy, et al Community Ops (Yousef Alam or Tanner Filip)
Django Backend web framework used on many of our websites, including,,, Input, Snippets, MDN (Mozilla Developer Network),, Treeherder Andy McKay and Jannis Leidel are (or have been) on the Django Software Foundation board, Jannis is core team member
Django REST framework API framework. Used by various Mozilla sites including MDN, Firefox marketplace,, Andy McKay and Jannis Leidel
Docker Used by release engineering for Linux build and test containers and by ateam for managing test and production services. Used by many Mozilla websites as well such as, (Plus docker-compose and docker machine) Member of Selena Deckelmann's team
elasticsearch Search engine for various web sites and analytics Erik Rose
emacs Programmable editor used by many developers
eslint Pluggable linting utiltity used by Firefox Hello, DevTools and Firefox Android Mark Banner
Etherpad Used for meeting notes, etc JP Schneider
flake8 Wrapper around Python linters. Used by Treeherder and others. Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
Flask Python web framework Erik Rose
Font Awesome Font and CSS toolkit, used by many of Mozilla's sites. Webdev
GCC C/C++ compiler and infrastructure Nathan Froyd
Git Version control system - Unknown
gunicorn Python WSGI HTTP Server. Used by Treeherder, Socorro, Pontoon. Webdev
HarfBuzz International text shaping engine used in Firefox/Servo Platform team
Hunspell Spellchecking engine Ehsan Akhgari
Hyphen Hyphenation library Jonathan Kew
HTTPie HTTP command-line client Cloud Services (among many others), Tarek Ziade's team
Intern Intern is a complete test system for JavaScript designed to help you write and run consistent, high-quality test cases for your JavaScript libraries and applications. jrgm/vladikoff
jemalloc Memory allocation library We can ask glandium
Jenkins CI Continuous integration system used by WebQA and EE Unknown
jQuery JavaScript library, used by many of Mozilla's sites. Webdev
jsdom DOM implementation in full JS Test suites in Cloud Services, Tarek Ziade's team (kinto.js)
Kombu Messaging library for Python. Used by Treeherder and others. Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
libjpeg-turbo JPEG decoding library Jeff Muizelaar
libpng PNG decoding library Jeff Muizelaar
libvpx (Google) Library for support of Google’s VP* family of codecs Tim Terriberry
Linux OS kernel used in Firefox OS Unknown
lodash JavaScript utility library, used by many of Mozilla's sites. Webdev & Firefox Hello
Mailman Mailing lists Unknown
MediaWiki You are reading this on a wiki Sheeri Cabral
Mercurial Version control system and source code management GPS
Mocha JavaScript test runner Cloud Services, Tarek Ziade's team (kinto.js); Firefox Hello team
Mohawk Python library for Hawk HTTP authorization. Used by Treeherder and others. Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
mozdef Security event monitoring and incident response Jeff Bryner
msys Used to build Firefox on Windows. Note: It's likely best we support the newer MSYS2 project instead: Unknown
MySQL Open source relational DB used by many developers, including AMO, SUMO, Input, bugzilla, releng, adminstered by IT Sheeri Cabral
Nagios IT management system. Used for notifications of system failures Sheeri Cabral, Ashish V.
netsniff-ng Linux networking toolkit Michal Purzynski
nICEr Library for traversing firewalls Unknown
NixOS Reproducible Linux distribution. Used by some developers and for running benchmarks on Firefox OS for AreWeFastYet Nicolas B. Pierron
Node.js JavaScript runtime for server side applications, command line utilities Nick Desaulniers
nrappkit Toolkit for building standalone applications Unknown
OpenH264 (Cisco) H.264 video library Unknown
OpenResty a fast web app server by extending nginx, used by cloudops Benson Wong (mostlygeek)
OpenSSH Remote server management, secure transport for Git and Mercurial Unknown
OpenLDAP User management used by Infra :jabba?
inspircd Irc server used by mozilla Unknown
OpenSSL Cryptograpahy and TLS Toolkit Nick Desaulniers
OTS OpenType sanitizer used by Firefox to protect against security bugs in underlying platforms related to malicious fonts Jonathan Kew
OWASP ZAP Web security testing tool used by security and QA teams Simon Bennetts (psiinon)
Owncloud Open platform to host your cloud under your control Some communities have been using it to host files under their control (ask Nukeador)
Parsimonious Parsing lib used by DXR and a few other sites (I think) Erik Rose
PDF.js Used as the PDF Viewer in Firefox and Firefox OS Brendan Dahl, Yury Delendik
pep8 Python linter. Used by Treeherder and others. Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
Perl Used by Bugzilla Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
pip Python package tool. Used by all Python projects. Erik Rose and Jannis Leidel, Jannis is core team member (PyPA)
Piwik Analytic software that gives you the control and respects privacy Some communities have been using it to avoid GA analytics (Ask Nukeador)
Pocketsphinx Speech recognition toolkit embedded into Firefox OS André Natal
PostgreSQL Open source relational DB used by many developers, adminstered by IT Selena Deckelmann
Prism.js Syntax highlighting on code samples on MDN
Puppet System administration tool Member of Amy Rich's team
pyflakes Python linter. Used by Treeherder and others. Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
PyPy Python language runtime. Used by Web Push service. Cloud Services, esp. Ben Bangert
Pyramid Python Web framework Cloud Services team
pytest Python testing tool. Used by Treeherder and others. Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
Python Scripting language Python Software Foundation, Selena Deckelmann is a former board member
pyelasticsearch Python client for elasticsearch Erik Rose
RabbitMQ Distributed Queue, used by Socorro, Pulse (all our publicly available build/test/commit information flows through this), Treeherder, (with Celery), (with Celery) Selena Deckelmann
ReactJS Javascript library for building user interfaces. Used by Firefox Hello & DevTools Mark Banner
Read the Docs Hosted automatically-built documentation, used by Cloud Services and a wide variety of mozilla Github projects Ben Bangert, Jannis Leidel, Gervase Markham
Redis Really fast data structure store, cache and message broker Cloud Services Tarek Ziade's team, Loop Server (Hello) team
Requests "Python HTTP Requests for Humans". Used by many many Mozilla Python projects. Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
Review Board The base of MozReview, the new review tool being developed to replace Splinter Steven MacLeod, Mike Conley
SCOWL en-US word list used for spell checking. ehsan
Selenium Browser test driver stephend/AutomatedTester or jrgm/vladikoff
Sinon JavaScript mock library Cloud Services, Tarek Ziade's team (kinto.js); Firefox Hello team
SlimerJS Scriptable browser, based on Gecko, used for functional tests in some few Mozilla projects ( PluotSorbet, some FxOS apps ? and others ?) Myk Melez
SQLite File-based database khuey
Stylus CSS Pre-processor on several sites webdev
Subversion (Planning to decommission in near future) Unknown
suricata IDS / IPS / NSM engine Michal Purzynski
Travis Continuous integration system used by several teams (eg Treeherder) Jonathan Griffin's team
Vagrant Build and distribute dev envs, used by Treeherder and others Member of Jonathan Griffin's team
Valgrind Memory error detection and profiling of C and C++ code jseward, njn
vim editor used by many developers
web-platform-tests Testcases and tooling for cross-browser testing of web-platform APIs jgraham Components to support real-time communication in browsers and mobile applications Randell Jesup
Werkzeug Component for server-side Python applications, used to detect bottlenecks Cloud Services Tarek Ziade's team
WordPress Powers our blogs, Craig Cook
Xiph.Org Media codecs ship in Firefox, encoding tools Ralph Giles
zlib Streaming compression and decompression for HTTP, PNG, etc.