L10n:Goals/Q1 2017

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Revision as of 22:01, 25 January 2017 by Gandalf (talk | contribs) (→‎Gandalf)
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Team Goals




  • Grow mobile
    • Create an updated version of our Firefox Android language coverage vs Chrome. In order to meet our 2017 OKR deliverables for mobile, we first need to know current status of locale coverage we have against Chrome. Getting this doc updated will be a necessary first step towards this. We can then move on to become more competitive thanks to better locale-coverage
  • Create missing internal documentation identified by PM group
    • During our PM workweek, we have identified key areas where there is missing documentation relative to important tasks we perform within our team. Those pertaining to my projects should be properly documented in order to help simplify and document all our tasks going forwards.
  • Support RTL and mobile
    • RTL: help Android team deliver RTL in Android and help iOS team get better iOS support.

For Android: Support RTL effort from l10n perspective. Ensure there is a community to test product and file bugs, as well as help fix them. For iOS: RTL support is on their radar for 2017. As I did for Android, support iOS team by providing help from RTL communities in testing and support.

  • Support l20n landing in Android
    • Help tech team where needed with PM work and discussions with other teams



  • Internal
    • Establish communication with Firefox UI/UX teams and develop APIs for their needs for Photon
    • Develop a branch of Firefox that uses L20n instead of DTD/properties for chrome UI
    • Define acceptance criteria for replacing DTD/properties with L20n in Gecko with key stakeholders.
  • External
    • Advance ECMA402
    • Advance the conversation with ICU/Unicode about standardization of FTL/Fluent
    • Perform the initial round of feedback on Fluent with key stakeholders:
      • Domain experts (W3C/ECMA402/ICU etc.)
      • Potential binding communities (Angular/Ember/React/Unity etc.)





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