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E10s Update: May 9

Executive Summary

Release Criteria

  1. [ON TRACK] Stability. We have a tight correlation between single process and multi-process crashes which is good. We are concerned that the WebExtensions crashes in the content crash rate is higher than Non Web-Extensions and are figuring that out.
  2. [AT RISK] % of population shows us we'd like to increase the number of people we roll E10s-mutli out to.
  3. [AT RISK]Performance numbers on Talos shows us a regression in responsiveness for TP05 which is being addressed.
  4. [IN PROGRESS] Pending items related to release criteria data includes analysis on memory usage and Performance Telemetry numbers are forthcoming within the next couple of business days.

Upcoming Decisions and Milestones

  • The % of Beta Users with E10s-Multi activated in shows us that our initial experiment design doesn't activate E10s-Multi for as many users as we would like. 10% of the population is in the control group and 90% is in test, however, only 46% have E10s active and 21% which is has Multi enabled. We are currently activating E10s-Multi for users who either do not have add-ons installed or who are using WebExtensions only. Product's sentiment is that this approach is too conservative and is evaluating risk vs. reward for expanding the experiment to include MPC=True Add-Ons for E10s Multi. This decision will be made by May 12th.
  • We should have complete data for our release criteria by EOD May 10
  • A go/no-go decision for doing an initial roll-out for Multi in Firefox 54 will happen no later than June 3rd.

Engineering Status + Schedule

  • Engineering highlights include recently landed bug 1341008 Use the preallocated process manager by default which Preloads a content process in the background when the browser is idle and using that the next time we need one which will greatly improve load time.
  • Top issues we are investigating include:
  • bug 1336398 [e10s-multi] Talos tps page load times have grown increasingly erratic for 32-bit Win7 e10s compared to non-e10s
  • bug 1363240 Content process limit specified by dom.ipc.processCount is not respected in some circumstances

E10s Single-Process + A11y Support

  • [AT RISK] The plan is to ship A11y for Windows for Firefox 55; this project is designated at risk until all MVP requirements are complete.