Engagement/Integrated Marketing/Fleshing Out

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Do you have a new project that supports organization goals? Great! Let's get started on helping you organize the project so that people can understand why this idea is awesome. The purpose of the steps and resources below is to help you frame your project so that you don't have to start with a blank document. A project brief is simply a document to help organize your ideas and we have created a template below to get you started.

  1. Complete a project brief
    1. View Project Brief Template
    2. Click File, choose "make a copy", and save a copy of the template with the title of the document to "[Your Project Name] Project Brief".
    3. Review how-to doc on using the project brief
    4. If this project can be public, change the sharing permissions so that anyone with a link can view.
  2. Add project to dashboard
    1. After you have your brief completed, you should add your project to the project dashboard with the status column set to "Awaiting Approval".
  3. Document decisions (coming soon)
  4. Getting your project brief approved
    1. Project briefs are approved by the Engagement leads in their weekly project prioritization meetings. Talk to Chris More or Mary Ellen to check-in on the status.

After your project brief is approved, please go back into the project dashboard and change the status column to "Active".