Compatibility/Meetings/Sync w Mike

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November 20 2019

ML issues probability > 95% (Cipri)

Starting next week we could close all the issues that have a probability above 95% to be invalid.

mike: what’s the rationale for waiting a week? ciprian: just wanting to gather some feedback, or know if it’s safe. mike: let’s go ahead and close them.

New Webcompat form (Oana)

We see more and more issue reported using the new form. We did not see any improvement in the quality of the issues reported, the content (description) is still vague and with few details.

oana: it’s probably easier to report an issue. looks nicer, but the content – it’s still as vague as ever. it’s probably better to focus on how to improve quality. mike: matt (the UX designer) shared some thoughts here:

Incompat add-on (Sergiu)

sergiu: we got in touch with the developer, and now besides its original functionality, when we’re on Github looking at a web-bug it tells us how many issues are open and closed for a given domain. we can take a look at closed issues and see if the current bug is a duplicate. mike: wowowowow, we should send him something.

triage backlog

OI team trying to understand v1 vs v2 numbers (Mike)

November 6 2019 testing

oana: Will there be another iteration on the new form? If needed, we can take a shot at it.

Action item: test the new form while doing TSCI top site testing, report bugs and suggestions.

ML add-on

sergiu: Do we have some data about how the ML performed? Is there a way for it to go live?

Proposal: turn the system on and have it

sergiu: has the system ever predicted something at 100%?

Another idea: automatically close (and label) issues at 95%, flag ones at 90% for manual verification, etc.

Facebook testing

cipri: You mentioned some time ago, about a session of Facebook testing. Are we still on?

Action item: mike to send profile of test account to st peter. Also, ask FB to flag the user to not get banned since it’s a test account.

October 16 2019

Secure Connection failed issues

Can we close them if the certificate is not A grade? mike: yes, except TSCI level sites.

ML add-on

How come apparently identical issues get different results from the add-on? mike: here's an older document with the experiment design, mike: some word salad about statistics mike: how accurate is it? sergiu: it's about 75% accurate oana: for duplicates, it's not useful. sergiu: is the bot already trained? or still being trained? oana: let's continue testing for 2 weeks. sergiu: we could improve this addon by having some kind of interaction method. when it's wrong, give it some feedback as to why it's wrong (or right). mike to follow up with nemo about this. oana: this is only possible when we get a notification. - new design

oana: Can I have the link to the new form? I want to fiddle around with some automated tests, as part of my own curiosity. mike: send oana the cookie name/value for

IRC follow up

mike to send email to dennis