Event:Maker Faire Africa

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Revision as of 16:49, 2 June 2009 by Dietrich (talk | contribs) (Created page with 'http://makerfaireafrica.com/ When: August 14-16, 2009 ''Goals'' * Educate and instruct on how to leverage Mozilla platform and web platform * Create localization opportunities ...')
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When: August 14-16, 2009


  • Educate and instruct on how to leverage Mozilla platform and web platform
  • Create localization opportunities
  • Have Mozilla be a visible supporter of this new non-profit, all open-source conference

Confirmed Activities:

Outstanding Needs/To-Dos:

  • Determine who is able to attend
  • Connect with local contributors
  • Determine activities
    • Booth/table?
    • Hacking event?
    • Localization training?

Promoting event:

Mozilla Attendees

  • Your name here