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Group 1

  • What is the success metric?
  • How is it different than blizzard?
  • What does Mozilla specifically have to offer? What’s special?
  • Where does the money come from?
  • Are we money and expertise broker?
  • What are the hot emerging trends? Where is the parade?
  • What’s the Mozilla angle? Which is the right parade?
  • What are the risks?
  • What are the relationships to rest of Mozilla?

Group 2

  • What is the success metric?
  1. Use of our tools and technologies increases measurably by community X
  2. Community X becomes more webbish as a result
  3. The web becomes better in some concrete way
  • How is it different than blizzard?

Is blizzard actually part of us?

  1. Different audiences - non-profits, education
  2. Being a Foundation makes you more trustworthy
  3. blizzard is focussed on Firefox adoption (?) and we are focussed on the open web
  • What does Mozilla specifically have to offer? What’s special?
  • Where does the (outside) money come from?

More grants, less "mass individual donor"

  • Are we money and expertise broker?
  • What are the hot emerging trends? Where is the parade?
  • What’s the Mozilla angle? Which is the right parade?

Education. Video. Parade criteria relates to first, second and third buckets in the other strategy. Some communities are first bucket (obvious how we help them and they help us), some are second (more of a stretch), some are third (probably not worth it).

  • What are the risks?
  • What are the relationships to rest of Mozilla?

Pretty anchored. Closer in operation and further away in purpose than strategy 2, which is closer in purpose and further away in operation. Tight connection to labs; risk of tripping over them.

(Note: talk about Mozilla Service Week some more.)