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Milestone end date TBD?

Primary goals: reduce the big risks of hosting Raindrop:

  • Platform Costs (performance/hosting costs)
  • User Experience

How to get there for both items?

  • Bootstrap hosted version for dogfooding by team
  • Set performance goals
  • Measure current version
  • Build in feedback loop
  • Use measured data to do changes

Host Bootstrap for Dogfooding

  • Breaking out APIs Mark and Gozer
  • Optimization build for browser code James
  • OpenID for front door auth Gozer
  • OpenID-based auth UI Andy and James
  • Protection of backend credentials Gozer
  • Compose capability, call out to GMail/Twitter? Bryan/Andy for buttons, James for behavior

Performance Goals


  • Load initial UI under 2 seconds
  • Each API call under 2 seconds
  • Expand group widget, 1 second
  • View conversations for a group (like mailing lists) 2 seconds
  • Time to process a message after fetching from message provider?
  • Come up with a cost per user per month target. May need real data first.

User Experience

  • Sense of relief?
  • Be able to use on daily basis?
  • Ease of processing new mail?

Measure Current Version


  • Measure cost of running Jean's account Gozer
  • Disable/enable some features/extensions to see the effect on cost Mark to expand?

User Experience

  • List out the broken pieces, things that must be working to get outside people to try limited experience test. Bryan and Andy

Feedback Loop


  • As we do changes, how do we measure increase in performance/affect on per user cost? Mark/Gozer

User Experience

  • Identify up to 10 people for initial feedback test?
  • How to to set the tone for the feedback?
  • How to collect the feedback?
  • How to feed new "tests" to the initial users?

Changes Based on Measurements

This section is likely to be filled in later after we have more data, maybe as part of another milestone. Some initial thoughts from Bryan (but need real data to confirm effectiveness):

  • From Bryan: put summary docs in a different DB, and use custom views on it, to replace the API layer. Benefits, easier to play with for developer writing front end extensions, may help performance?
  • Reduce the flexibility of the backend schemas.