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If you're interested in proposing a course and helping us flesh out our competency map just create a new page and use the provided template to describe your course. Don't forget to link to your new course from this page. If you're not sure what to do check out the example course, Mashing Up the Open Web.


  • Mashing Up the Open Web.
    • An introduction to open web standards. HTML, CSS, JavaScript (and more?) through project based learning. This course is not for complete novices, some web experience is required. Participants will work on a self defined project that leverages open datasets and web services to create a mashup that is useful to their target audience.
  • HTML5
    • The course is build around a theme/story to create a website for a specific purpose. Participants will learn the application of HTML5, CSS3 (and JavaScript) to present different forms of content (theme/story related) on a website.
  • Web Development 101
    • An introduction to developing basic websites to web standards. This course will be suitable for beginners who wish to learn how to make static websites with (x)HTML and CSS. This course will also be suitable for developers who have previously used WYSIWYG editors such as Dreamweaver and who wish to learn how to a make a website by hand.
  • Principles of Project MAnagement
    • This is an introductory course in project management based on PMI's Guide to the Project Management Body Of Knowledge (PMBOK) as it is applied to software projects.
  • Building Social with the Open Web
    • Social infrastructure has become an important part of building web applications. With the proliferation of social web applications it is becoming increasingly important to focus on standards that maximize interoperability. This course will introduce several protocols and specifications that allow developers to build decentralized, interoperable social applications.
  • Reading Code
    • The Reading Code course will remind us that there is no magic-- only logic. We will dive into the mini universes of open source projects and learn techniques for getting oriented, debugging, and simply getting comfortable reading code.
  • How to Make HTML5 Video Pages That Rock (January 2011)
    • Tied into web made movies, how do we make open video pages that mash video with the rest of the web.
    • Not so much an editing course, or a documentary production course, but a web video course.
  • Semantic Markup
    • Approach on how you would layout your code so that you are creating code in best practice which leads onto other areas of web design and development
  • Organic SEO Basics
    • Approach on how you would create web pages with SEO in mind.
  • What is PHP (for dummies)
    • When you only know HTML it's hard to understand what PHP actually is.

This course provides the basic information on what PHP is and what it can do. It will also have a "Hello World" example and reference material to more advanced PHP programming. I think it also could include a little something on how to use the PHP reference.

  • add your course

Template Course Title

Who Are You?

short description of the course

Can you lead this course in September 2010 or is this a general concept?

Course typically run over 6 weeks with a weekly meetup.

ToDO - link to The Course Of All Courses on P2PU

What's The Major Project?

Do you have an idea for the major project participants will be working on?

What you should know

  • skill
    • why you need said skill
    • how you will demonstrate this skill at the end of the course
  • ...
    • ...
    • ...

What you can expect to learn

  • skill
    • why you need said skill
    • how you will demonstrate this skill at the end of the course
  • ...
    • ...
    • ...

What you might learn if you work hard

  • skill
    • why you need said skill
    • how you will demonstrate this skill at the end of the course
  • ...
    • ...
    • ...

Things we won't cover

  • skill
    • why you need said skill
    • how you will demonstrate this skill at the end of the course
  • ...
    • ...
    • ...

What will I build?

  • Final project
    • Why you want to build this
    • What will it demonstrate

Are you basing your course on existing courseware?

  • Title and Link (WaSP Interact Course? MIT OCW)
    • Why: Why have you chosen this courseware?
    • Copyright - is this course freely available? Licensed under Creative Commons?

Hey! I need help!

Is there anything you'd like help with? This is an open process - just ask us!

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