Festival Report/Ch7OpenVideo

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Surman Posts

http://www.netvibes.com/drumbeat#Mozilla_Drumbeat Mon Sep 27 10:09:40 2010 Share My mind is regularly blown by the way web video is changing how we learn, and increasingly how we teach. It’s something that raises wonderful questions about the future of education. I think about this a ton as I watch my 11 year old become a bit of a geek. He doesn’t use help files or FAQs to learn new software. He watches YouTube tutorials. And, as his skills grow, he shows off and shares by making his own: Much has been said on the learning side of all this. Clearly, video packs way more info punch than print. And the ubiquity of online video means we all tap into rich (and fast) new learning opportunities constantly. TED’s Chris Anderson released a great talk on this side of video and learning a few weeks ago. Chris points out that we live in a world of online video fueled by a desire to dance, sing, perform, play and think. Most people who post videos online are not driven by the desire to teach — they just want to show off or have fun. Yet, as we watch them, we learn. There is, however, a huge online phenomena very much about the desire to teach: web video tutorials. A great example is the Khan Academy: Driven by a. frustration with how schools teach math and science and b. easy access of YouTube, Sal Khan has produced a massive, high quality collection of 1800+ web tutorials for self learners. The idea has landed him a $2 million Google 10^100 grant. It’s also attracted millions of viewers eager to learn. What’s even more exciting to me is that this sort of teaching isn’t limited to over achievers like Khan. YouTube alone holds over 10 million tutorials (search: tutorial and how-to). Videos with people teaching everything from how to set up WordPress (400,000 views), how to curl your hair with paper bag (2 millions views) to how to moonwalk (8 million views). Here’s the moonwalk tutorial: If you look to the young people making these tutorials (like my son), web video isn’t just making learning easier. The web is creating a generation that takes it for granted that we can all be teachers. Teachers driven by the best aspects of the word ‘amateur’ — a love of a subject and a desire to share that knowledge. Clearly, this is HUGE — and is truly giving us all more control over how we learn. The question is: what does this mean for the future of education? What does it mean for who we turn to when we want learn something? And how we all start to teach each other? These are questions I want to sink my teeth into at Mozilla’s Learning, Freedom and the Web Festival in Barcelona. I’m not sure what this conversation looks like yet. If you’re making or thinking about video tutorials, I’d love your help figuring this out (and running sessions in Barcelona). Please get in touch. Original post by Mark Surman. Filed under: drumbeat, education, mozilla, video

Video LBen Moskowitz A founder: Open Video Alliance


The room is full of people working on an open video HTML5 script, transcribing content, tagging photos and collaborating for Drumbeat’s closing night video. Video interviews, photos, tweets and other content are being transcribed, edited, designed and morphed into one master. The script on the projected screen is foreign to me. There are 6 people are writing in html 5 with fast-paced collaboration. Two people are editing and transcribing one set of videos. Three folks are working on graphic design. Everyone is an orchestra of activity with a deadline to tell the story of the Drumbeat Festival- people, events and more.


I’m here because I’ve spent the bulk of the festival brainstorming ideas and this is deep in the heart of Drumbeat tech. Brett Gaylor of Web.made.movies and Ben Moskowitz of the Open Video Alliance are both conducting and participating. It seems wrong to write a blog post instead of doing a meta video to show how the Drumbeat video is being created. Safe to say video would best capture the pulse of activity and the steady stream of conversations: Jquery, popcorn, I could go take a nap, adobe fireworks, do we need translation of this video?, use the firefox beta, the border, no move the font a few pixels, we need to get this done to universal subtitles, plus conversations in English and Spanish.

Can’t wait to see the final version tonight. Go Video Lab!

OV is a coalition Constellation of orgs, individuals, vision for how online video shd work The vision is not the way things work today an idealized environment where anybody can use th tools fo video to get a msg out take part in the creative and political dialogues of the day There’s a lot of barriers to that right now Legal ,on a basic level being able to remix others’ content A meaningful and necessary part I shd be able to take them ove we’ve made or the news we’ve shot or any visual content and recontextualize We’ra bout this kidn of content freedom Quotation is easy w/ text Not the same kind of legal protection fro video

That’s the most important

A second idea that supports that the are tech that are avila accessible easy and shd be free or cheap Platforms for distributing content All the tech pieces that enable you to be able to create distribute watch freemix

We cd all ourselves the free video alliance Ther’es fre as in I am free to take and redistribute its not like I shd beable to download yr movie for free Protect fair use for movies

Take that principle : Fair use/fair dealing and strengthen it

Theres’ a lot of reasons One reasons which si not I wd tell funders , do it public

Is that the governance of videos has a lot to do w/ entertainment lobbies Hollywood and TV and all that There’s a strong lobby that protects this model artificially The only waty that the kind of monetization of that stuff works is restrictions on copying What wa re saing in delicate terms is it’s more important we have the freedom to do this stuff Than to preserve the busines model tht says that copying needs to be restricted

The other big tent is tech In a similar vein the lobbies and rules that protect proprietary software inhibit innovation A big example that Mozilla is big on: the idea that software patents can be harmful to innovation When oyuh avea video file raw uncompressed hundreds of gigabytes Videocodec compresses that There are not any good free codex You need to pay a license fee for that We think that things like that are really problematic harder for video to proliferate

Paper & pen = tech of writing The tech of video more sopphisitcated Harder for ppl to take advantage of that medium : Daily Show in yr bedroom

Mtg at Yale Law School in 2008 Dean Jensen founders

Brought together stakeholders content tech cos and we sant and thought in big blue sky terms where is the mdium heading what can we do to make it better 2 big confs both in NY 1st 500 ppl 2nd 1000 ppl appeal s to a huge swath of ppl coordination t help projects like Video on Wikipedia

it works b/c that’s text super easy low barriers to entry imagine if the same collaboratie model were leveraged towards a huge moving image archive millions of hours of huge media

that’s remarkable and ona

round face square glasses arched eybrows stubble dressed and talks kind alike 7th grader

AN imbalance, very easy to consume, difficult to produce we want ppl to be more empowered to take part in that sphere

Part of the problem w/ OVA we have all these superintellectual theoreticall hard to explain terms different ways of cc outr message to diff people

Open web / free culture sutff since iwas in school inbekrely I studied poli sci and rhetoric I think computers and this is gg to some of the drubmeat theory stuff We all thing Computers have thea bilty to augment and enhance indvidiuals and how creative htye can be and what they can accomplish we want to make sure info tech remains in that zone

This is my poli backgroun what gotme into this is the observation that ppl creating the popular platforms have a commercial motive that can manifest itself in things that are bad for democracy and user empowerment Ipad ther’es only one palce that you can get software if it’s in competition w/ apples business interest it can’t go These companies have wedges in the user experience

OVA: alternatives or apps that are so gcool they create pressure

The unofficial Drumbeat model is “make cool shit”

Ask mark

This idea of visual literacy

“Media literacy” has been around for 20-30 yrs if your’e livingi n this visual world I’s important tht you can participate

Dr. Erik Faden at Bucknell: he only assigns video essays

Changing the waqy his students approach stuff

I’ts more fun it’s more exciting Hhow do oy go to somebody in 2010 and tell them the mode of learning is to create a 10 pg essay w/ intro 5 body grafsa nd conclusion

One way we

Shd we be forcing ppl to conform to the 18th c enlightenemnet model of education? Or looking to what’s gg to make them more engaged critical thinkers

Gen speaking the more grounede ed is in contemporary tech the more relevant it is.

There are certain types of literacy tht live in this new visual medium

Jonny macintosh a remixer SO you think you can be president: Sytycd w/ the 2008 presidential debates

A trailblazer and an example of the kinds of activities we encourage

He went into primary schools: how gender roles get inculcated thru commercials: I’m gg to brush my barbies’ hair//Kill everything!!!

Mash up audio and video from diff commercials so GI Joe cd be brushing their hair

I didn’t mention it but I didn’t sleep on the way over

It puts you in the drivers’ seat

So good voices on this the key pplthat can explain One is Dr. Michael Wesch Messiah

Doc filmmakers open web technologists policy makers and educators It’s a broad base of support

A lot of our inffomrtioan comes out of our exp w/ OVC and OVA mark putting toeghet vision for what Mozilla cd do We had a great time the magic/ special sauce was bringin together ppl from several disciplines and mshing them together

It’s evolving and just looking at the mechanics of this event this is way more participatory We have ppl from diff areas of experies

And thye all bring something

OVC cd become the drumbeat video conf We have an identity

Open vs binary Source code: readable

VIEW SOURCE HAS A POSSE—that’s critical you shd have a chapter

You can see how the web page works It’s human readable

HTML 5 vs flash If I write an amazig innovative clever app Someone else can go look iunder the hood and see how it works and fix it And they can reconfigure it The organic growth the self toaguth garage innovative way of doing things That’s a huge adavantage of HTML 5 What they’re delivering to you at flash is binary only machine readable If you think self rteaching and all these thigns are important there’s a clear example

MFBT Motherfucking beer time


SJ—a community leader Bretts’s super interesting rhetoric of the movement Nick Reville -- MIro

Echo chamber, concepts iterated 8-9 yrs Challenges: breaking out and being less dogmatic

The whole rigamarole ig ve you about democratic video Video viable on the internet YoTueis the largest node on the video web by far

Graph: YOUTUBE is ht esun The next biggest platform is Facebook Earth Vimeo Pluto

Youtube is enormous

One of the rules of the internet network effects that give sGoogle s omcuh control over how the Internet works

Universal subltitels has to beg to YOUtube to play nice

When they saw this danger Firefox for video

Democracy Player

That’s way too geeky MIro A navigator for web video where you can decide, subscribe, save video convert video you be in control

Supervisionary project it didn’th ve the impact tyhey wanted it to
20-30 million downloads

even if you’ve intereviewed him once get him to talk about where he came from …. Ashoka fellow—recoganizes

RIPPR: book scanner: $5000 chaper/ Xerox

We want to set u to make an opensource version of this HARDWARE Put schematics

Buy 2 camers

You download software and build yr own Destroy the book feed inot a tray and digitize a 500 pg book in ½ hr

Columbia Ctr for New media , teaching and learning CCNMTL They’re an academic ctr at Columbia Create tools for the eduators thereto incorporte And one of the ew insittutios that are reall making good no some of their promises MEDIATHREAD Easy video Citations

If the’re writing a paper students they can create segments of video and cite them Iin a standardized way

Links generated by mediathread will show you the relevant part 

1.15-1.30 makes a virtual object tht’s 15 sec

Encourage all the profs to play

Ppl I know who go to Columbia Expected to incorporate multimedia citations: Docs, frontline tools

One thing we’re doing this weekend is taking that idea & seeing if we can bootstrap that tool and see if we can bootstrap an essay w/ o any prior knowledge

If we’re successful that’s the mian output of the video lab

Nat’l film board of canda: archive westream free over the web

Metavid: open video archive of gov’tvideo primarily from CSPAN Match transcripts searchable Google search on transcripts

Rich media is not searchable

Transcripts timecoded searchable

Paper about the Corn bill I can say go to googlE: show me videos of senators form iowa 2003-2009 debating corn subsidies Within these 45 videos search term””Hardworking Aemrcian farmer” Take those clips and make a montage Daily show stuff Combingin searchability semantic searches METAVID

Metavid runs ona n open source software stack called metavid If I wantd to make a version for concert recordings Another software pkg called Pandora –video


Basically a piece of sogftwaere you can install which creates a website

Set up yr own website :we as mozillans feel comfortable doing Ppl need to be more comfortable

I wd like to see a world where 15 yrs from now if yr a social work student not just write a mock case study but set upa portal w/ resources—actually serve that community

Wikimob: making the process of improving Wikipedia a mode of learning

Marine biology: each group doing a report as part of that process whatever they make end sup in the commons Specficially in this case if they’re doing a video essay Find OR CREATE openly licensed clips and add them to Wikipedia Combining the forma nd functioof this stuff Creatig teaching moduels that are improving educational content I think we might be doing something w/ the NYPL Have kids come in as part of their library program Give marine ibologists therei sa n archive We want them to do show and tell using open license Unearthing the best of that archive The relevant Wikipedia page on Manta Ray

Many very important features are missing. Here's some of what we'll be working on in the coming months: • Ability to link multiple URLs to a video • Discussion spaces on every video and translation ('talk' pages) • Support on all modern web browsers • Caption -> subtitle conversion / options • Support for non-latin character sets • Machine translation option once subtitles have been transcribed • Keyboard accessbility for site and widget • Support for translating the interface of the subtitling tool and website • Subtitle ratings and flagging • Messaging among Universal Subtitles users • HTML5 embedding code that includes flash fallback options • Compliance with emerging timed text standards • Additional import / export subtitle formats

The lack of captions and subtitles on video is a major obstacle for people with hearing disabilities and a huge language barrier for the whole world. We want to give individuals and communities the power to overcome these barriers. The tools we're building are free and open source and will make the work of subtitling and translating video simpler, more appealing, and, most of all, more collaborative.

Nicholas Universal Subtitles Our org has been pretty close w/ a lot of Mozilla folks since we started 4-5 yrs ago I met Mark right when he was stting to come int ot the foundation Talking about the ideas behind drubmeat and how it was gg to be set up Develop the ideas around universal subtitles project and we’re talking to the Dbeat folks early on about it and it seesm

WE’re a nonprofit, building consumer tch and trying to promote open decentralized infrastructures So we make open source software for media that helps empower ppl or decentralizing stuff like that

I think that um…we see subtitling and captioning as really curcial for accessibility For anyone who doesn’t speak the languager a vide o is in It’s totally central For folks who are deaf it also makes the video accessible Givnen the improatnce of subtitles it’s amazing how difficult it is to add subtitles and captions to a web video That felt like a huge opportunity to change video for the better make it more open and accessible It has a whole bunch of other interesting side effects So we’re already collaborating w/ the web Made Movies Project

Using Universal subittles as a n input method to do time aligned geotagging and twitter

Time aligned txt has some really interesting applications

It’s very complicated technology it’s at the edge of what can be done w/ HTML We have an outstanding programmer who’s leading the projet we have n’t run into a lot of major obstacles

I think about maybe 9 or 10 months I wd say a yr I guess I’m not sure. At the festival: running demo stations of universal subtitles Showing ppl how to use it inviting them to do translations/ captions of education relatd videos

We really started in earnest in December

OTR we’re tlking to the folks at Khan academy about heping them translate all their videos That’s the most obvious application to translate material to reach ppl who don’t speak Ther’es also making it ccessible to anyone who’s deaf or hard of hearing Interesting opps for Same Language subtitling For literacy

There’s huge, in terms of open education resources and things online huge implications and evve nbeyond that I think there’s opportunities around making videos Making the experience of working w/ video in educational context more interactive More tied to learning

Curious to see the European perspective Oneo f the things that I think is …


http://webmademovies.etherworks.ca/popcorndemo - Show quoted text – http://brettgaylor.tumblr.com/post/1318462731/how-im-receiving-internet - Show quoted text -

His latest production is entitled RiP!: A Remix Manifesto, a documentary about "the changing concept of copyright".[4][5] RiP!: A Remix Manifesto is a call to overhaul copyright laws. As the title suggests, this documentary is particularly interested in the "legally

IN progress working out wht I’m gg to do there.

I got to working with Mark right around the time my previous film RiP was released Mashup and remix culture and the tension between old and new ways of thinking about collab and proprietary ownership and knowledge and the opportunities of a connected digital world Iw as a bit disappointed at what my options were for putting my film on the web I considerd myself really lucky my film was broadcast on TV in dozens of countries, theatrical and DVD, streaming for free online , shared all these diff torrent networks Exp of having this film on theweb same you wd have watching on TV you were a passive consumer of this content whereas I knew that it was a very info rich film there was a lot of infot hat went into what you saw on the screen and I met Mark at a conf called the Open Video Conf and I expressed while I had al ot of excitemtn about wehre the tech was heading I felt there wasn’t enough being done about how this cd actually affect the lanugae of cinema or the way this cd affect how filmmakers think about their work in this new medium I have been o nthe web from the beginning I’m sitting on this island When the web was launched I used to connect w/ my phone networoks and get out on the www The exp w video now and then is pretty much the same The rest of the ewb has sene this massive innovation Mashups and what we used to call Web 2.0 Integration of diff sources and begin to do all this amazing stuff Video has bene not party to that up until vvv recently So therew as this opportunity /w Mozilla being interested in this space And the interest /motivations that I had as a filmakr tht mark invitd me to join the tem and see if I cd eat my own dog food a little bit Have a hand in shaping That ‘s I started a project as part of drumbeat called web made movies We call it an innovation lab Filmmakers like myself and others working w/ software designers and devrlopers And much more collab relationshipsthan has been typical Ihvae been I’ve made many websites in my life I’ve been on both sides of this client/service relationships Typically filmmakers think about the weba s a placeto PUT their content Don’t makevideos that are OF the web: mash remixable hacakable bring in diff sources perosnalize to the viewewr

Speak to software developers: directors say, realize this idea for me: fascists by design A lab where the story ideas of the filmmaker and the traditions ofcinema cd mashup w/ the thoughtproceses and traditions of the web Emergent/ radically diff And cd that actually change formall what video on the web can be So I nthe context of education I think that students who are being educated today: Synthesize diff sources Shorter attn spans Access to entire history of recorded music, fiml Answer questions of veracity and authorship The way again that video on the ewb is not responding to that reality So I’m embaking on a partnership w/ several diff film archives the nat’l film board of Canada and othrs showing a film in a classroom no longer works the class times are too short and the students do not engage w/ media in that way any longer you cannot roll the TV to the front of the room and say ok, lern the kids don’t sit back that way they want to lean forward and learn diff perspectives on that pice of media when RiP is shown in the classroom, I see blogs emerge where students say: this is one sidd whre to facts fromor where are the sources so we need to give teachers the ools to be able to present video as part of pkg students can leanr with

Video is part of this ecosystem that students can learn with And I think another big thing is that we’ve all experienced this phenomenon of students doing practical learning w/ videos I’m on this island in the mniddle of nowhere and my dryer broke I wanted to know how to fix it And I googled it and the first thin that came up was somebody showing mehow to do it The education system you can’t even fathom how to integratie that in the classroom We want to dig into that in Bracelona What ae the salient points we can get and take from that There’s an information That’s fantastic This really

How do we want students to report back this learning? Can they record their experience of browsing learning synthesizing and giving their own editorial opinon on a topic for learning that thye’re designing And how do we rethink the iea o a book report in a connected web environment?

So that’s thekind of stuff that we want to Play with at Barcelona We’re gg to try and hack together a prototype of this in Barcelona over 2 days One idea that we have and we’re designing our experience in Barcelona so that ppl can have input and shape the direction of the tools that we build Teachers can as they’re browsing with the web select segments of videos that they find and create their own customeized to the teacher mashup And so if they’re doing a report on how advertising affects bodyimage for young girls Take a minute from a film from CPB or a couple of minutes from a camera address that a girl has done on Youtube or 30 sec of an ad that someone else has posted on their blog Have that assembled but also w/ that video have the assoc sematnci content that goes wit hit Links to Wikipedia links to opinions from both sides of the political spectrum / issue competing viewpoints on a topic have these actually timed to a video when students go and watch this presentation they are alsopreesnted with other links they cd dig into the flip side of that is the student equation how does the student make a video report or a web report how do you make a web report present your research that you’ve done that incorporates the open web they do a Youtube video that describes how it made them feel that triggers web pages to a sophisticated edited video that they’ve made that incorporates a ot of sources that’s our crazy audacious goal for Barcelona.

Javascript library called Popcorn You can see what we’re getting at it’s a video that as it’s playing triggers diff elements to appear in a web page as it’s playing if a new character comesinto the scene the subject matter will trigger Google Seaches about a subject We’re gonna turn down the volume on it a lttle it how does the video interact w/ the rest of the web

Hypervideo like hypertext The video can actually lnk and form a web and we d’nt have a world wide web of video we have just these isolated silos The resto f the web page on a technical level has no idea what’s going on inside that <object embed///>

it doesn’t say : hey this has Anya and her Twitter is @anya1anya and she cares about this freeing it thru code !

I cd speak from why wer’e interested in this at the Mozilla foundation b/c part of our goal , our entire goal at Mozilla is to safeguard the OPEN nature of the Internet we see the internet as this forum in which anyone can participate one of the ways we do that is thru Firefox this awesome browser that 400 million ppl use if we’re gg to succeed at this goal ofkeeping the web open we need ppl from other disiplines and all walks of life to participate in that process so that’s why I’m infovled as a filmmaker I bring some perspetive that traditionall wasn’t held w/in Mozilla if we want educators to hel pus safeguard the open nature of the Internet we need to work collaborative ly with them and create structures that allow their perspecivie on that to be heard I think that’s why a huge focus of the foundation On a deeper levelof course We want to disrupt education Ew want education , schools to operate more like the web In that they’re transaparent and hackable and open for students to be able to learn in the new ways that the web allows

Teachers—they want their students to learn And so I mean the web obvisouly the most powerful engine we’ve ever created for learning but specifcaly the open Web is that engine so we Manipulated and changed so teachers have to ask permission to post content Given lessprirority than that large commercial entity We are nterested in and hope that the education community sees the value of a truly open web as well I think they do already They have ana lteruistic desire to be able to educate tomorrows citizens and I think there are natural allies there

I was really lucky tht the school thati went to here on the Gulf islands got a computer lab in the final yr that I graduated Even before that My school district gve a discount for kids who wantd to buyMacs I saved up and bought a mac and taguth myself hyprcards when iwas 11 yo Sparked something in me t see my computer as something that was malleable I cd use creatively When iwas in HIsgh scool we had a new school and had a lab in whci hwe learnd animation I cd use the tool not as something to use spreadsheets but something to createthe open natue of computers Given a job at a film school that started out in 1995 called the gulf islands film and tv school Just down he str At that time desktop video editing cbe ame affordable it was great b/c in that conext We had these really experienced filmmatkes show we cd make a cheap film in a week I was the expert in that context at 18 yo It was this new tech That was a really empowering experience

I did end up going ot Concordia U in Montreal But I theoughout that formalized educational experience What was most valuable for me was a computer I cdhack when I was 11

Serendipity the things I can’t plan are the things I’m most excied about I try to have a rule for myself at conferences if there’s one relationship that’s forged that ic an continue on thruought the yr then the conf is a success Itl ooks like for Drumbeat it’s gg tobe dozens of thos relationships

I sent out this tewet a couple of weeks ago If we do 20% of the shit we say were gg to do in barcelonawe’re gg to change the world and I believe it: turn a bus into a transformer unit Hack chemistry Strom the academy All these awesome sounding syllabus Lead by leadersin their field disruptors I think it’s fantastic So it does have that feeling of sometime s you look at the schedule of a conf: 90% of the ppl I know them and I’ve heard thir spiel Holy shit I’m in fantastic company and I’m gg to learn a lot The ideas on the table there are all gamechangers.


Wikipedia/Wikimedia becoming an institution Atul varna /aza raskin

I wish that I h ad been given some Arduino piece in a classroom How to use circuitry/robotics/yr computer in a hands on way I wish I had a foundation I nelectnocis It’s like LEGO Kids wd be able to play

Gabriel Shalom 16 videos over skype, ppl in their bedrooms all over the world ...

It's exciting to hear about your documentation project! I just recently finished a short subject documentary called The Future of Money which I think you'll find interesting; http://vimeo.com/16025167 (if you want to learn more about the project behind it, visit http://www.emergence.cc )

It could be interesting to coordinate some autodocumentary video/photo efforts alongside your writing process. Do you know if there are any special hashtags on twitter for documentation and/or a flickr pool for photos or vimeo/youtube channel for videos?

VIdeo link before you meet someone you’ve only seen online a lot of the things that hvae been rmearkable on the web have ben done anonymously more accountable: open live video platform is next obvious step most trustworthy space on the Internet enable us to achieve thing swe havent been able to achieve thru now

the way we were working was unorthodox the whole thing was so digital something we were struggling to make transparent and accessible

degrees of exploitatoin involved in

This networked culture can unravel our entire concept of work and earning a living but it will involve embracing incredibly radical forms like self-surveillance and transparency

Data nudism radically transparent and Fuck the consequences naked alone into the internet right now it’s dangerous

Data nudist colonies whoel grouips of ppl being transparent attaining a new level of happiness transparency comfort if you are open about what you’ have, what you need, what you can do, who you know, you start to generate a kind of digital profile that is very rich in potential value how you can connect w/ other ppl the more transparent you are the more tendrils you put out into the world looking for things can find you eventually very sophisticaeed services that network ourselves based on those kinds of profiles

Future of $ project cd banks be the institutoins that take over the role of safeguarding theose programs future bank: knoweldge asset bank

coworking collective farms hackerspaces open design practices couchsurfing we raised $6000 as part of our video projet goal: $5000 create an infographic working on that , release Creative Commons in the next Couple of months parallel economy based on trust transparency value profiles and open data if it’s closed you cant do what you want with it You live in berlin linked in to Berlin Community garden coworking harckerspace you’ve got this whole quantified self that is working for you and you leave and oyu move to Barcelona tjhis scatterd still congealing movement will evolve open standards we posed a big challenge to thsee bankers in Amsterdam: are you gg to try to take this market

There must be a legitimate disconnect between the economy and the commons-based economy they’re not tracking certain aspects of their own model Greetings from Berlin, and see you Wednesday! Gabriel Shalom

slider switch on and off, privacy settings pay or free donation requested or answer some nerdy qs b/c it’s about a video game and they only want total otaku fans u cd extend it put a white board into it platform for global knowledge exchange open distributed video space ‘ TRUST: Face to face information

Bar Camp Friday --Creating a global video telepresence platform Big Blue Button junto BBB--use case of Junto open ended concept : search phrase and chat live w/ ppl Immediation--in concert with all of the stuff going on around us

enter into a Junto engage search out a topic or start a topic yrself authenticate using Twitter/identi.ca so there’s a seamless conxn ppl can jump from a Tweet or a Junto then yr in it face to face w/ ppl from the Internet

http://quantumcinema.blogspot.com/2010/11/drumbeat-future-of-education-demo.html 09 November 2010 One Step Closer to Universal EDL by Gabriel

Last week I attended the Mozilla Drumbeat Festival in Barcelona. It gave me an opportunity to collaborate with an amazing ad hoc team of people in the context of the Open Video Lab, chaordinated by Brett Gaylor and David Humphrey. Together over the course of a two day sprint, a big team of us collaborated on a demo of the popcorn.js javascript library that really shows off the potential beauty of web made movies. The vimeo video above is just a screen capture; for the live demo visit this page. It was a very rewarding experience to contribute to the aesthetic and conceptual process. I enjoyed the challenge of conducting interviews in languages I don't speak, and collaborating with the multilingual Xabier Cid on the editing process. I was honored to be able to address the audience at the "BEST of the FEST closing variety slam showcase" for the need for new approaches to film school in the face of scrum/agile approaches to storytelling.

What is great about the demo is how it utilizes time-coded metadata to retrieve live content from flickr and twitter in real time. It shows how as we move towards an object-oriented moving image we will continue to redefine what cinema is and also our notion of editing. The tweets are aggregated from the #futureofeducation hashtag. The flickr photos that appear in the demo are called based on timeline metadata that I approximated by putting dummy content (the blue events in the screenshot above) on the timeline to get a sense of a rough rhythm. I then gave a rough approximation of that timecode information to Berto Yáñez, the programmer who did much of the heavy lifting on the demo. Oscar Otero helped with the design of the page. Oscar, Berto and Xabier all work together at the Galician web company A navalla suíza. Photo by Homardpayette This process, which involved swapping lots of data across computers via USB sticks, underscored the need for a Universal Edit Decision List (EDL). This was something I identified about a year ago as part of my rubric for open source cinema. The Universal EDL got discussed quite a bit during the video lab, and together with the amazing work that's already been done creating a web-based timeline interface with Universal Subtitles, it seems like the seed of inspiration to take things a step further has been planted. I am very excited to have contributed to these developments towards an object-oriented open source cinema!

It would be great to see all the names of the participants in the workshop added to the demo. During the demo Laura Hilliger, David Humphrey and I put together a nice cloud-based credit concept for solving the dilemma of crediting multiple parties with multiple credits. Laura should have a rough list of names and roles, and those who are missing could use the #drumbeat #videolab hashtags on twitter to ID themselves, or comment on the video, so we can round everybody up. Bookmark and Share Posted by Gabriel Shalom at 1:47 PM Labels: #drumbeat, #videolab, editing, flickr, mozilla, objects, open source, popcorn.js, twitter, Universal Subtitles, web made movies