Engagement/Developer Engagement/MDNEvents/mdn-session-montevideo-april.24.2012

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  • Date: April 24, 2012
  • Location: Cafe la Diaria ( http://g.co/maps/h9gnj )
  • On-Site Local Contact: Damián osta Mattos ( odamian_AT_gmail.com ) Diego Algorta ( diego@cuboxsa.com )
  • Event Moderator: Havi


MDN Hack Day es un evento orientado a desarrolladores y organizado por Mozilla y nos amigos.

  • 17:30: doors open, lightning talk sign-up opens
  • 18:15: Introductory remarks
  • 18:30: How to make passwords on your site a thing of the past - Dan Mills @thunder
  • 19:00: Going Social - new Social APIs in the browser Shane Caraveo @mixedpuppy
  • 19:30: BlueVia developers program: platform and initiatives - Andres Leonardo Martinez Ortiz
  • 20:00: Responsive Web Design - Nicolas Barrera @DrummerHead (Cubox)
  • 20:30: break
  • 20:45: lightning talks
  • 21:00: Social Change through the web - Fernando Briano @picandocodigo
  • 21:30: JavaScript APIs - The web is the platform - Robert Nyman @robertnyman
  • 22:00: closing remarks, prizes, beer plan