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A FAQ in the Wiki. - Mostly questions from news://netscape.public.mozilla.calendar

The official FAQ is at:


Where is my Calendar file?

Select the "Calendars" tab in the upper right area of the screen (above the "Tasks"-list). Right click on the calender and select "edit Calendar". The file name and path are shown in the label next to "Lokal File Location".

How do I save my Calender-file on a FTP

It's tricky at first to figure it out but this is the way to proceed:

  1. Create a local calendar.
  2. Add an event and exit calendar.
  3. Copy the new calendar file to the FTP server (under another name if you wish).
  4. Return to calendar and fill in the "remote server URL" field of the new calendar. (ftp://user:pass@domain/filename)

That's all! It should work now!

The trick is that at least one event have to exist in your new calendar, otherwise, the file is empty and seen as "invalid".

by Nomax


How can I install calendar in my current Version of XY? It doesn't work.

Download the most recent calendar.xpi. Open it with your favorite zip-program. You might need to rename the .xpi to .zip. But don't forget to rename it afterwards. Extrakt the install.rdf and edit the var <em:maxVersion> of the Application you want to use to the Version you are using. I.e. 1.0 -> 1.0+ or 1.0->1.1 or whatever. Repack the install.rdf. Now you should be able to install it. Warning: This shouldn't do no harm, but don't do it if you have no idea what you are doing.

Where can I download calendar?

Other Qs

I want to be informed without having Sunbird in my task-bar

Here are a few links you can have a look at:




TB / FF crashes / shows an error after installing Calendar

This is a bug. It will happen each time you do someting withh your extensions (install, delete, update). The next time you start TB/FF everything is fine.

What is the difference between a task and an event?

The following definitions are from the calendar help glossary:

event - A calendar entry that represents something that will happen whether you take action or not. For example, meetings and birthdays are events.

task - A calendar entry that represents some action by you. For example, writing a report and visiting a client are tasks.

In general, an event is something you schedule on the calendar, and it happens at a specific time and place. A task occurs over time, and while it may need to be started at a specific time or completed by a specific time, the task itself does not.

Finally, it should be noted that tasks can only be displayed in the main calendar in certain views. (ie. multiweek)

Example: A staff meeting is an event; it happens at 9:00am on the 10th.

Calling everyone on staff to review the agenda for the meeting is a task; it must be completed by 5pm on the 9th.

How can I assign colours to event categories?

In newer version, you can define styles for event categories in the userChrome.css file.

.event-category-cycling{ background-color: #99FFCC!important; }
.event-category-meeting{ background-color: #00FF99!important; }

These lines set the background colours for 'cycling' and 'meeting' events, respectively. It is CSS, i.e. you can also define other attributes like 'border-color' etc.


As there are quite a few Questions about Suntray I'll add them here.

Suntray does not start Sunbird

Put Suntray in the same folder as Sunbird and start it with " -start".

I don't get any alarms

This is probably because Sunbird isn't running. Suntray doesn't show any arlarms, it just hides Suntray from your task bar. So do not exit Sunbird, only minimize it. If you close Sunbird, you won't get any arlarms. Try running Suntray with " -warn" so you are warned when you close Sunbird.