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Mozilla community members - submit proposals here for 2013 Google Summer of Code projects with Mozilla. (If this page looks empty, it's because accepted ideas have already been transferred to the official list.) The absolute last deadline for submitting ideas in time to help us get accepted by Google is March 29th.

Are you a students looking to apply to SoC with Mozilla? Your first stop should be the official list of ideas. This page is full of weird and whacky ideas, some of which are still on here for a reason - it could be that they are not properly defined, the wrong size, or don't have a mentor. That makes them less likely to get accepted. You can, of course, also submit your own ideas - you don't have to put an idea on this page and get it 'made official' in order to send in a proposal for it.

How To Write A Good Project Proposal

Before adding an proposal to this list, please consider the following:

  • Be specific. It's hard to understand the impact of, or the size of, vague proposals.
  • Consider size. The student has eight weeks to design, code, test and document the proposal. It needs to fill, but not overfill, that time.
  • Do your research. Support the idea with well-researched links.
  • Don't morph other people's ideas. If you have a related idea, place it next to the existing one, or add a comment.
  • Insert only your own name into the Mentor column, and then only if you are willing to take on the responsibility. If you think the SoC admins won't know who you are, leave contact details.
  • Check back regularly. The administrators may have questions about your idea that you will need to answer.
  • Know when to give up. If you've added the same idea for the last three years and it hasn't made it to the official page, perhaps you can predict what will happen this time.

Suggestion List

Here are the ideas lists from previous years.

Proposals can be in almost any part of the Mozilla project - don't be fooled by the "Code" in "Summer of Code". If there is no category below for your part of Mozilla, add one!

Mozilla Platform (Gecko)

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Title Details Skills Needed Reporter Mentor(s) Comments
Enhanced Customization APIs Firefox stores most of its configuration using the Preferences system, which uses a plain text file in the user's profile folder to keep its name / value pairs. Certain add-ons have traditionally changed settings like the homepage and search engine by editing this file directly or using the preferences service incorrectly, and fail to revert the settings, causing much user annoyance. With the Enhanced Customization APIs project we want to change this, by moving these critical settings to a different system where the only accepted interaction is through an API that knows when to revert these changes. Storage would most likely be sqlite, so that it isn't trivial to edit from external installers. JavaScript and C/C++ required. Some add-on development experience is desirable. jorgev jorgev (or others)
Offer profile reset option on re-install Firefox has a profile reset feature that is very useful to resolve common user problems. However, it's not easy to find at the moment, and most users try to fix Firefox by reinstalling it. This generally doesn't accomplish anything because all profile data is kept intact on a reinstall. This feature is meant to make Firefox or the installer detect if the same version of Firefox being installed is currently present in the system, and offer the user the option to do a reset after a reinstall. Firefox detection can be implemented mostly in JS. Some C++ may be required for startup and detection code. Knowledge of NSIS installers may be useful. jorgev jorgev (or others), MattN
Clearer add-on installation There's a mixed bag of features we want to implement in order to improve add-on installation. The ones we want to include in this proposal are the following: (1) Redesign external install opt-in screen (bug 834385, (2) The opt-in screen needs to support multiple add-on installs, (3) Make it possible to completely remove globally installed add-ons from the Add-ons Manager (disable and hide), (4) Make it possible to request add-on install / uninstall from a separate process. All of these mostly concern add-ons being installed by external installers. We want to improve the opt-in screen that shows up when they are installed that way, and other issues that will make it easier to users to control their experience. JavaScript required. Some C/C++ might be needed as well. jorgev jorgev (or others)
Autosuggest search engines based on usage Many websites have search fields that are used many times over, but these websites do not present themselves as search-capable in order to offer itself to be added as a search engine in the browser. Firefox should detect repeated search field usage and offer that as an option to the user. At a minimum, it should be able to detect it and add an entry with "Add [website]" in the searchbar dropdown (similar to how OpenSearch works). After the detection part is working well, a refined UX for the feature can be discussed and prototyped (but that shouldn't be the focus of the project).

The student should be able to propose methods on how the detection algorithm should work and how to make improvements on it over the course of the project.

Great JS skills and understanding of DOM, HTML form fields, and algorithms (db and data structures that will be used to store and search the input field history to detect patterns of search usage) Felipe Felipe, MattN

Firefox for Android

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Firefox OS / Boot2Gecko

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Tests Write tests for Thunderbird features where they are missing. We also have some contributors writing patches that were rejected because the contributor was not up to speed to produce a test for the feature (much harder than just producing the feature/fix). If the student picks up (helps with) these patches/contributors and produces the patches, it would help us. Javascript required. Experience with mozmill or xpcshell test infrastructure an advantage. aceman mconley
Utilize capability attributes of nsIMsgIncomingServer and nsIMsgFolder Remove hard-coded checks through-out the comm-central codebase where a simple check of the server (nsIMsgIncomingServer) capability can be used.


if (server.type == "nntp" || server.type == "rss") { enableSubscribe(); }

Change to:

if (server.canSubscribe) { enableSubscribe(); }

For this to work, the student has to see if the server types return the proper value for the capability (some may be unimplemented yet) and may have to add some new attributes where needed. Hard-coded checks are bad because they do not pick up new server types automatically even if they would have the capability. Extension authors have a hard time plugging into these hard-coded spots. Often they have to duplicate the whole function from TB to add their new server type to it. The same can be done with folders, i.e. nsIMsgFolder.

Starting point: bug 63369.

C++, Javascript aceman ?Neil?, ?jcranmer?, ?rkent?
Rewrite our database code to be asynchronous when database if huge. This would help us in improving the start-up time of Thunderbird. Main idea is splitting the database in chunks and then loading it, if the database is quite big. I guess related bug would be: bug 588952.

Difficulty: Medium to hard depending on how far we go.

C++ mainly atuljangra ?anyone? jcranmer - Mork database async opening needs to be completed, and we would probably also need nsIMsgDBHdr instances to become "dead" (cached copies of the database or newer changes).
Implement backend connectors for Ensemble (or DOM Contacts?) Mconley's new address book work should be stable enough by the summer that it is possible to write new connectors. Ideas for implementation here include any system address book on any platform, as well as LDAP support (OpenLDAP via js-ctypes looks to be the best option here). JS, although some C/C++ for native may be necessary jcranmer mconley
Implement a mailbox-to-maildir converter This is one of the last critical pieces blocking moving away from mbox-style mailboxes. C++ is probably the simpler solution, but OS.File and jsmime make it possible in JS. jcranmer ?
Open ended project to solve several critical bugs My idea for this project is that we can have a student solve various bugs that are arising in Thunderbird which are makin users unhappy. For example Bug 516222, Bug 803921, Bug 618553 and many others. We can utilize this to solve such critical bugs. This would be some kind of open ended bug. Main area of concern would be Mailnews core. C/C++ mostly, Js for testing atuljangra ?anyone from Mailnews core? atuljangra- Do we need to prioritise the ideas?
Make OS X users happier Something from Bug 728438 to integrate Thunderbird better into OS X would be good. This includes interesting Bugs like the Quickloock integration Bug 457546, which was already a student project, but needs to be finished, integrated into Thunderbird and some tests. The same is true for Bug 465257 to support multi-touch gestures. It also includes Bugs to improve the addressbook behaviour for OS X users (write support, Bug 391057 and picture support, Bug 496789). You need to know about C++, JS and OS X APIs. ? ?


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NSS (Network Security Services)

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Firefox Support (SUMO)

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Automation & Tools

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Mozilla IT and Infrastructure

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Persona / BrowserID

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Sync / Services

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Developer Tools

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Add-on SDK

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NPM support for SDK Add-on SDK has no good story for dependency management it would be great

if SDK users could use npm for installing and publishing reusable SDK modules.

Javascript, NodeJS gozala gozala


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Release Engineering

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Security Engineering

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MIDI, OSC, Arduino communication It would be great to have an easy way to connect creative coding to physical controllers. MakeyMakey is a great example of zero-code zero-install zero-configuration hardware hacking. This comes with the limitation of only sending binary key signals. The system that I'm imagining would be a small, installable web server that translates signals to and from [MIDI, OSC, Arduino] via WebSocket. JavaScript, Node.js, MIDI, OSC, Arduino Forrest Oliphant, in relation to the project.
Media server Design a method to record audio and video locally using WebRTC streaming to a local Node.js server. Saving images could also be a good goal. It should be easy to save media and then bring it back into the Meemoo app. JavaScript, WebRTC, Node.js Forrest Oliphant, in relation to the project.
Hacktivity design "Hacktivity" prototyping and design for ways to bridge the digital/analog high/low tech code/craft divide. JavaScript, craft, activity design, writing "
UX and graphic design General help designing the UX and graphic look of the site and app. UX design, graphic design, prototyping "