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This is Bryan Clark, UX Design Lead for Thunderbird

I'm clarkbw on and you can find me in #ux and #maildev, you might be looking for my blog.


For a bug you'd like me to be aware of, feel free to cc me on the bug. I don't look at every bug I get cc'd on so this is not the best method of getting my attention.

If you have a bug that requires immediate attention from me and is not flagged as blocking or wanted feel free to email me directly with the bug. I won't guarantee that I'll have time to work on the bug but it increases your odds a little.


I regularly check the uiwanted keyword for bugs that are looking for help. This is a much better way to receive attention. I'll likely remove the keyword after working on it unless the bug is resolved.

blocking or wanted

If there is a bug flagged blocking or wanted and requires some kind of User Experience consultation assign the bug to me. I will take a look at the bug and offer what help I can, then assign it to the default owner when I feel I'm done.

Please do not assign bugs to me that aren't flagged blocking or wanted; they will likely be ignored even more than usually.


User:Clarkbw/Hg User Account

Old and Out of Date
