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  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 8600
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 8600
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 8600
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 8600
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 8600
    • US/Oregon/Portland: +1 971 544 8000, x4000 Conf# 8600
    • CA/British Columbia/Vancouver: +1 778 785 1540, x4000 Conf# 8600
    • CA/Ontario/Toronto: +1 416 848 3114, x4000 Conf# 8600
    • UK/London: +44 (0)207 855 3000, x4000 Conf# 8600
    • FR/Paris: +33 1 84 88 37 37, x4000 Conf# 8600
    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number

All-hands Status Meeting Agenda

Items in this section will be shared during the live all-hand status meeting.

Friends of Mozilla Friends of Mozilla

Congratulations to Lukas Blakk for a wonderful Open Source Bridge keynote about Project Ascend. The Community Building Team also awards Lukas a Community Building Superstar Badge!

Upcoming Events

This Week

Monday, 30 June

Tuesday, 01 July

Canada Day! Woo!

Wednesday, 02 July

  • Homebrew Website Club Meetup, 18:30-19:30 (with quiet writing hour from 17:30-18:30 beforehand)
    • Chicago, Portland, and Mozilla San Francisco!
    • Description:

      Are you building your own website? Indie reader? Personal publishing web app? Or some other digital magic-cloud proxy?

      If so (or you want to!), come on by and join a gathering of people with like-minded interests. Bring your friends that want to start a personal web site. Exchange information, swap ideas, talk shop, help work on a project...

      Any questions? See the wiki page for details or irc://irc.freenode.net/indiewebcamp.

Thursday, 03 July

  • 5PM UTC / 1PM EST / 10 AM PST - Security Open Mic
    • An open meeting to chat anything security related with the Mozilla Security team.
    • Vidyo: SecReview Room // Dial-in Info (phone): - US/INTL: 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 then extension 92 - Toronto: 416-848-3114 then extension 92 - Toll-free: 800-707-2533 then password 369 - Conference num 95294

Friday, 04 July

Saturday, 05 July

Sunday, 06 July

Next Week

Project Status Updates (voice updates)

Firefox Desktop

Speaker Location: toronto (johnath)

  • Experimentation!
    • Install
    • Search
    • Translation

Firefox Mobile

Speaker Location: remote (mfinkle)

  • Turning off 2.2 tests soon
    • Some tests still don't run on 2.3, so we're going to loose 2.x test coverage for those. Beware and hand test relevant bits.
    • Partly to improve our test infra
    • Partly to begin EOL on Froyo
  • UI Telemetry
    • Check out the basic UI Telemetry dashboard
    • We are moving into the interpretation phase and should be filing bugs for any actionable issues we discover
  • Firefox Search
    • Currently working on getting the foundation in place to land in m-c.
    • Project page has more details
  • Firefox crashes on startup in the Android L Preview

Firefox OS

Speaker Location:

  • Flame Programs - Asa Dotzler, Mountain View


  • Foxtrot (panel of Flame users who agree to help test and give directed feedback to the Product, UX, and QA teams) applications did not open last week as announced. We are working on the application form this week. Will announce as soon as its live.
  • Flame retail site is live again. Phones arrive from manufacturer to retail for distribution on July 10. Shipping is 3-7 business days. So, first retail Flames will land on our community in approximately 2 weeks.
  • If you've already got a Flame (from the pre-retail batch of 2000) and you are planning on sticking with the release channel and getting OTA updates, you'll need to flash a new Firefox OS v1.3 (build 122) If you're an employee, you can get this build today (see Asa) and if you're a volunteer, we'll have that build posted at our partner's ASAP.
  • It has been determined that we will not do a 1.4 release for QC silicon devices. The first major OTA update for Flame will take users from Firefox OS 1.3 to Firefox OS 2.0.
  • More details at our new wiki > https://wiki.mozilla.org/FirefoxOS/Flame# and hang out in IRC at #flame

  • Tablet Contribution Program
    • We've shipped out about 50% of the 10" tablets and continue to deliver.
    • Email going out this week to let those participants who have not received a tablet know that it's on the way.
    • Last week we held the first of our new weekly meetings with Taipei Stream 3 team, Asa Dotzler, and several of the volunteer TCP coordinators.
    • We have nightly builds. The TCP coordinators are testing now and we'll post more publicly this week.



Speaker Location: (Nonverbal)

Open Badges

Speaker Location:

Mozilla Science Lab

Speaker Location:

Mozilla Reps

Speaker Location:

Grow Mozilla

Speaker Location:

Cloud Services

Speaker Location:

Firefox Marketplace

Speaker Location:


Speaker Location:


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation. If you plan on showing a video, you need to contact the Air Mozilla team before the day of the meeting or you will be deferred to the next week.

Presenter Title Topic Location Share? Media More Details
Who Are You? What Do You Do? What are you going to talk about? Where are you presenting from? (Moz Space, your house, space) Will you be sharing your screen? (yes/no, other info) Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen Link to where audience can find out more information
Kristin Baird Engagement MozCamp India San Francisco Yes https://docs.google.com/a/mozilla.com/presentation/d/1kykMJEKSH4_FJdYEgXDTYljf1Tfuem2Mh97vGn3PMEI/edit#slide=id.g38bcb5299_030 https://docs.google.com/a/mozilla.com/presentation/d/1kykMJEKSH4_FJdYEgXDTYljf1Tfuem2Mh97vGn3PMEI/edit#slide=id.g38bcb5299_030
Mark Jeffries IT A/V Survey Results San Francisco No https://mana.mozilla.org/wiki/display/SD/2014+AV+Survey+Results https://mana.mozilla.org/wiki/display/SD/2014+AV+Survey+Results


Do you have a question about a Mozilla Project or initiative? Let us know by Friday- we'll do our best to get you an answer.

Please note that we may not always be able to get to every item on this list, but we will try!

Who are you? Area of question Question
What's your name? What do you work on? Is your question about policy, a product, a Foundation initiative, etc. What would you like to know?


Let's say hello to some new Mozillians! If you are not able to join the meeting live, you can add a link to a short video introducing yourself.

Introducing New Volunteers

New Volunteer(s) Introduced by Speaker location New Volunteer location Will be working on
Who is the new volunteer(s)? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where is the new person based? What will the new person be doing?

Introducing New Hires

New Hire Introduced by Speaker location New Hire location Will be working on
Who is the new hire? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where will the new person be working from? What will the new person be working on?
Jessica Amann Mihca Anderson Mountain View San Francisco Human Resources Business Partner

Introducing New Interns

New Intern Introduced by Speaker location New Hire location Will be working on
Who is the new intern? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where will the new person be working from? What will the new person be working on?
Laleh Beni Cameron Zwarich Mountain View San Francisco Servo
Bernardo Rittmeyer Matt Noorenberghe Mountain View Mountain View FFX
Artem Sobolev Seth Fowler Mountain View Mountain View Platform Engineering: Graphics
Sean Bolton Larissa Shapiro Mountain View San Francisco Community Building
Jakub Juryovich Nick Fitzgerald Mountain View San Francisco Developer Tools
Christopher Kitching Wes Johnston Mountain View San Francisco FFX Engineering
Robert Bindar Mike Henretty Mountain View San Francisco FFX OS
Filipe Gonçalves Gregor Wagner Mountain View San Francisco FFX OS
John Sullivan Steve Workman Mountain View San Francisco Networking
Tyler Smith Nikhil Marathe Mountain View Mountain View Platform Engineering: DOM
Thomas Daede Jack Moffitt Mountain View Mountain View Research
Stuart Pernsteiner Brian Anderson Mountain View Mountain View Research
Chance Zibolski Rob Miller Mountain View San Francisco Services Engineering
Ian Kronquist Michael Cooper Mountain View Mountain View WebDev: Input
Trevor Bramwell Chris Lonnen Mountain View Mountain View WebEng: Crash Reporter


Notes and non-voice status updates that aren't part of the live meeting go here.

Status Updates By Team (*non-voice* updates)



Cloud Services




Release Engineering


Test Execution


QA Community

Automation & Tools


Notable changes to bugzilla.mozilla.org during the last week:

  • bug 943146 The "needinfo" menu now includes the mentor(s)

All changes.





Social Support