All Hands/2016 Hawaii/electivesubmissions

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Hawaii Electives Submissions For Voting

Descriptions for the 73 proposed electives for the Hawaii All Hands are below. Please vote for up to 10 you want to attend in Hawaii by Friday October 28.


People 1: Mozilla's Issue Agenda: Moving Past MVP

This year, Mozilla outlined our first issues agenda: a set of five interconnected issues that we believe are critical to the future of the open Internet. Those issues are privacy & security, open innovation, decentralization, web literacy and digital inclusion.

There’s already a lot happening throughout the Mozilla community to bring these issues to life - from advocacy campaigns to policy positions, the new Internet Health Report to global community gatherings. It’s also early days, and there’s much more we can do.

Join us for a discussion about what’s happened in Year 1 of Mozilla’s issues agenda, and what’s in the works for 2017 - and bring your questions, ideas and suggestions about what else we do to use the issues agenda to further Mozilla’s mission.

People 2: Get Inspired by Mozilla Tech Speakers

We are envisioning an open Q & A session that offers:

    • An overview/introduction to Mozilla Tech Speakers - a program for volunteer contributors doing outreach to developer & web builder audiences around the world. An update on program plans for 2017 including Masterclasses, Labs, and mentoring opportunities.
    • Staff attendees can learn more about how to get involved as mentor/coaches, facilitators, and requestors of Tech Speaker support. Volunteers can learn more about the program and how to participate.
    • Answers to questions from anyone at Mozilla who is interested in doing more public speaking for technical/developer/builder audiences, or who is interested in supporting or mentoring volunteer, non-native English speakers doing tech evangelism/public speaking in their local communities.
    • Category: People track - Tech Speakers program works with our community of technical volunteers to increase their skill as public speakers, trainers, and facilitators. We will talk about the speaker training process we use, and if time and interest allow, we will break into collaborative groups to practice short talks/constructive feedback. (see below, turnout will prob determine whether we are more presentation or collaborative in our focus).

People 3: Community Participation Guidelines Evolution

As Mozillians, our Community Participation Guidelines guide us in how we treat each other. Over the years we've gotten feedback that the guidelines are hard to act on and enforce. As part of our diversity and inclusion strategy, we're revising them to act on feedback. Come and learn about the revisions and give feedback and suggestions and be part of building a more inclusive Mozilla.

People 4: Hackers and you! What are you up against?

  • Presenter: Jeff Bryner
  • Description:

    Ever wonder what attacks we see against Mozilla? Against Mozillians? Wonder how to protect yourself? Enterprise Information Security has your back and we'll share some secrets of threats we've encountered, battles we've won and lost and how to protect yourself.

People 5: Mozilla Money Matters

Ever wondered how Mozilla makes and spends it's money? Come join an open Q&A discussion of all things money and Mozilla with Jim Cook, CFO. We've been sharing this presentation with new hires and it is one of the most popular topics - come join the conversation.

People 10: Internet of Things (IoT) Lightning Talks

  • Presenters: Nicole Yee & Reza Akhavan
  • Description: We're hosting the TL;DR of IoT. You're going to hear a baker's dozen of the most interesting connected things. You'll learn one weird trick to IoT success. You should attend if you like lightning talks. Connected devices is about connecting people.


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