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Create the OneWebDay 2009 Poster

Mozilla wants you to design a poster for OneWebDay, a global celebration of the web on September 22. This blog posting illustrates the basic concept.

The idea: get people to post an 'I heart the web' poster in cubicles, stores, coffee shops, cafes and their homes -- and then take a picture of themselves with the poster.

Our hope: 10,000s of pictures on Flickr and showing that people everywhere love the web.


Please be creative in your designs and include the following details:

  • The Mozilla and OneWebDay logos
  • The words “I Love the Web” or “I <3 the Web”
  • The URL
  • Text that encourages someone to steal, copy and repost the poster.
  • Also, feel free to make space in your design for people to add their own elements or messages. We'd like to create an “official” poster, but also leave it open for people to remix it.


Please submit your designs by email to by September 11th.

Background Info

Look here for more info on how Mozilla is involved in One Web Day.