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ONlogo justO 100px.png Knight-Mozilla OpenNews
Owner: Dan Sinker Updated: 2016-12-31
Knight-Mozilla OpenNews is helping a global network of developers, journalists, makers, and hackers collaborate on innovative code and new ideas. We believe a community of peers working, learning, and solving problems together can create the tools journalism needs to thrive on the open web

What's new

We're launching into 2014 with a new cohort of Fellows, a new mandate for expanded programs and projects, and much more.

For complete info about Knight-Mozilla OpenNews, visit

The vision

OpenNews serves as the connective tissue in the journalism code community. We connect people writing innovative code in journalism with their peers so they can learn, solve problems and build new tools together. We offer onramps for the community to document, improve, and spread the the code they write and the practices they develop to the news industry, the open-source software community, and the world.

The Knight-Mozilla Fellowships

Beginning in 2012, OpenNews has placed Fellows in newsrooms around the world to code, collaborate, and contribute to the growing journalism technology ecosystem. The fellowship community continues to grow with five alumni from 2012 and eight Fellows currently placed with news organizations.

News partners

A critical piece of the Fellowship program is the host news organization. Our news partners year by year:

  • 2014: La Nacion, New York Times, ProPublica, Texas Tribune, and a joint fellowship placement with Ushahidi and Internews-Kenya.
  • 2013: BBC, Boston Globe, Guardian, La Nacion, New York Times, ProPublica, Spiegel Online, and Zeit Online.
  • 2012: Al Jazeera, BBC, Boston Globe, Guardian, and Zeit Online.

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