
< Gaia
Revision as of 07:56, 16 April 2015 by Jshen (talk | contribs)

Program Overview

The new Gaia architecture (or nex t generation Gaia architecture) proposes a new application framework that aims to create a more webby Firefox OS application platform.

The proposal is documented in

Each components of the architecture will be validated by applications converted to use these components. For example Music will be converted to have its front-end separated from its back-end with the app bridge being the protocol machine for the front and back.

Initially two apps are chosen to be converted to evaluate the new architecture's APIs as well as to evaluate the "new" apps' performance and memory profiles. In the process of conversion we will also focus on the useability of the APIs for apps developers and best practices to convert more Firefox OS apps.

More details on the the validation plan is here:


Several components of the architecture have teams identified. Several initial component team meetings took place to discuss high level goals and technical approach for the components. After the initial meetings, the teams will deep dive offline and when they are ready, share their findings and plans with the Gaia community at kick-off meetings. So far, we have had initial meetings with teams working on service worker, web app bridge, telemetry, navigation, SMS conversion, and Music conversion. Web app bridge held kick-off meeting. Service worker kick-off meeting has been scheduled. More to follow.

Team Wiki's and detailed Team Status

Will be linked as soon as they are available.


  • EM: Francisco Jordano
  • EPM: Jacob Shen