


Firefox for Android

  • Firefox for Android includes a way to contribute data and enhance the service. You can enable the feature by opening the Settings menu and in the Mozilla section under Data Choices check the Mozilla Location Services option.

Mozilla Stumbler for Android

Firefox Desktop

  • Firefox Desktop 36 and later allow you to use the service instead of the default location provider. In about:config change the geo.wifi.uri setting to:

Firefox OS


  • libstumbler is an embeddable Android library supporting both stumbling and location lookups.
  • Ichnaea NLP Backend is a UnifiedNlp backend that uses MLS to resolve locations. The NLP backend requires XPosed to be installed. As of 2015-06-03, this seems to be broken for Android 5.0 and 5.1 ART runtimes.


  • GeoClue is a D-Bus service that provides location information, using for example GPS daemons but also MLS.
  • KDE Plasma Desktop uses MLS to get country level and precise geolocation information.