Firefox OS/Alopex

Project Tagline

An open OS that puts web content first

End Goals

  • The process of discovering and finding great Web content is simple, yet familiar
  • Differences between content types (web apps, websites, etc.) are abstracted away from the user entirely
  • Users no longer experience non-optimized Web content (web content not formatted to the screen size and input method)
  • Barriers to the consumption of content (such as installations and re-authentication) are a thing of the past
  • The experience of loading Web content is quick and fluid
  • Connection issues no longer "break" the experience (endless spinners, partially loaded content, etc.)
  • Users can access their favourite content from any device
  • Users can start any task on one device and finish it on another
  • The Firefox OS experience is familiar and approachable for the average Web user, yet enables full control over users' online experiences (should they choose to exercise it)
  • Developers/content creators have new ways of getting content in front of users and are not beholden to the rules/terms of distribution via controlled app stores

Teams Members

Role Name
Product Owner Peter Dolanjski
UX Facilitators Przemek Abratowski, Patryk Adamczyk, Francis Djabri, Harly Hsu, Juwei Huang, Rob MacDonald
Engineering Etienne Segonzac, Jonas Sicking
Product Strategist Irina Sandu
Program Manager Jean Gong
Marketplace Sakina Goth, David Almstrom, Bill Walker, Scott DeVaney, David Bailer

Focus Areas

Focus Teams Team Members Content Area
Browsing & Content Journey David A, David B, Harly, Juwei, Philip, Scott Discovery, Search results, Marketplace, Community
Optimizing for web content Bill, Jacqueline, Jonas, Peter Addressing web deficiencies, Authentication, Offline and include many technical driven issues
Core OS Francis, Hung, Patryk, Przemek, Rob, Vicky Navigation and spatial model, Cross platform alignment, Customization model, Privacy and security, Application Model
Research Irina Competitive analysis, User perceptions on Mobile Web Browsing, Alignment & Definition of target audience


  • Dev Start: Q1/2016 (Dev start)
  • Release Availability (RA) : TBD (branch here for gaia X.X and gecko b2g_XX)
Milestone Dev Start Release Availability
Date Q1/2016 TBD
Gaia Branching Gaia v2.5 branch created
Gecko Branching Gecko XX moves to mozilla-beta
mozilla-b2gXX branched
Bugzilla milestone TBD TBD

  • [Peter] Insert your draft project cycle from your desk..

UX Concepts

Watch this space for updates from UX.