Connected Devices Weekly Update/2016-03-15

Revision as of 16:51, 15 March 2016 by Dbialer (talk | contribs)
Program Status Notes
Vaani Validation (Aaron/Sandip) On Target
  • Engineers are focusing on Prototyping as 1st showcase which targeted by this week
    • End-to-end use case - "As a user, I would like control my floor lamp with voice"
      • Speech to Text
      • Text to Speech
      • Triggering Word ("hey Vaani, turn on (off) the floor lamp")
      • IOT integration (OpenHAB )
  • Vaani MVP Architecture -
  • Discussed with Metrics group to make dashboard powered by Telemetry
  • Guiding community to explore OpenHab and Pocketsphinx on RPi
  • Program Milestone tracking table - milestone, schedule and dependencies
Project Link Validation Stage (Mars/Preeti) On Target
  • Bulleted list item
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Smart TV for 2.6 Josh On Target
Smart TV Next Gen Validation (Joe/Josh) On Target
WADI Thomas/Bill On Target
  • General
    • Push notifications currently averaging at 360k requests per day. (no change from last week)
    • Want to test out Push notifications? Visit;
  • Partnerships
    • Major Social network provider has rolled out Push notifications services to internal testing audience (~1000 users). Over the several weeks this is expected to incrementally increase upwards of 100m+ subscribed users.
  • Engineering (no significant updates from last week)
    • Word Press plugins for Push, Offline, and Add to Homescreen still on track for end of Q1 completion
    • Crawler MVP on track for end of Q1.
Research Lindsay On Target
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Jira Plug-In Jean Project Scoping
  • DONE! In Bugzilla - New Connected Devices components for Metrics, Participation & Research
    • Bug 1255927 - Request for New Components for Product "Connected Devices
  • Milestone this week: Updated Level of effort with cost from Qotilabs
  • Rapid Risk Analysis today with Qotilabs & Jonathan
  • Updated Finance on estimated PO for Project cost
  • IT support on stand by to install trial instance of Jira after completion of RRA
  • Provide updated project cost to Karen for 2016 CD budget planning
  • Continuous discussion with Platform on BMO support
Project SmartHome Maria/Liz On Target
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Project Sensor Web Cindy/Wesley On Target
  • Program wiki updated
  • Upcoming milestones
    • 3/28 demo-able end user scenario with web pages. (Dummy PM2.5 data from the pizza box R-Pi2 or hardcoded)
    • 4/18 P1 bugs (namely the MVP) complete.
Porting Nicole/David/Peter On Target
  • Smart TV
    • Brian in communication with TPE about possible opportunities to have community involvement.
  • Fairphone 2
    • Juan helping folks working on Fairphone 2 who still want to host builds
  • Rpi2
    • same state as last week
    • waiting for flash script to be reviewed
FlyWeb Nicole/Dylan On Target
  • Roadmap into Q2 completed
  • Landed http server
  • working on JS implementation for advertising
  • Work week in TOR April 4-8 for UI/UX Ideation
Firefox OS Smartphone Sunset

Smartphone Transition Wiki
Smartphone Code Transition Wiki
Smartphone Commercial Transition Wiki
B2G OS Transition to Community Wiki

Smartphone Commercial Sunset (David) On Target
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Code Transition (Julie) On Target
  • Engineering team formed and assignments made. Work has begun.
  • Currently dealing with a lot of breakage. This was expected, but currently, unable to produce builds.
Foxfooding (Jean) On Target
  • Last Foxfooding OTA update released March 2 to users. This OTA build has foxfooding flag for data collection turned off
  • Jean and Vik are deleting Community Foxfood users who "Opt-Out" of foxfooding program from tracking list as required by Legal
Transition to Volunteer Community (George) On Target
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Participation Update David P On Target
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Metrics for CD Maria On Target
  • CD crash ping format already drafted
  • Team is working in designing/creating Metrics Library/ies architecture that trains as Link and Vanni could use
    • It’s based on David Teller’s Metrics Rust library but needs to be adapted and include a new Controler library
    • Also for projects based in Java technologies (e.g vaani) we are developing a component that let them invoke the Rust native library via Java Native Access (JNA)
  • Tracking the work in Trello the current tasks right now, during this week we should set the deliverables and milestones for H1
Other Announcements David B --
  • Do Monkey - Brainstorm coming up. Overview today at research and strategy meeting 12:30 Pacific Time
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Questions -- --
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