Connected Devices Weekly Update/2016-03-29

Revision as of 15:37, 29 March 2016 by Hkoka (talk | contribs)
Program Status Notes
Vaani Validation (Lindsay/Sandip) On Target



  • Working through the milestones that are due on April 1st
  • Getting ready to set up work for the next sprint
  • Setting up mac env w/openHAB...
  • Getting Hue bound and working
  • Getting WEMO bound and working
  • Getting Sonos bound and working
  • Getting LIFX light bound and working
  • Creating video demo of everything working
  • Maven plugin integration to build JNI shared objects for pocketsphinx
  • Maven plugin integration to build JNI shared objects for webrtc_vad


  • I am very excited to be working with this team and am ramping up
  • Looking into other ways to track the product
  • Scheduling the 2nd Demo when the execs are in Berlin


  • Looked into the previous voice collection app and thought about how to convert it to a web application
  • Action: Distribute summary of the app and our approach


  • Talking with Kelly and David about coding competition and what we will need to do before we can launch.

Project Link Validation Stage (Julie/Preeti) On Target


  • Workweek in Mountain View with dev, product and UX members


  • Discussions on product differentiators and vision for Project Link



  • User research conducted for Amazon Echo product and results shared here

Engineering Workweek Accomplishments

  • Technical overview sessions presented by team members for IFTTT, Taxonomy/APIs , Adapters, Authentication/Tunneling, Web Push, Web App Modules. Presentation documentation will be shared soon on wiki.
  • Conducted Q&A session with Rust developers
  • Taxonomy integration progress for Hue and Motion Sensor Adapter
  • Implementation of secure connection to FoxBox
  • Workweek ended with following Demos
    • Implementation of simplified Recipes UI
    • Web Push Adapter implementation and integration with taxonomy
    • IFTTT (Recipes) integration demonstrated with rule created and triggered with a clock and IP camera.
    • Taxonomy integration for IP Camera Adapter and ability to take snapshots from the app
    • Kwikset Door Lock integration demonstrating discovery and open/close actions


  • public mailing list created
  • Meetings Notes from community participation plan discussion are here.
Smart TV for 2.6 Josh On Target
Smart TV Next Gen Validation (Joe/Josh) On Target
Project SmartHome Maria/Liz On Target
  • Last week the team focused on:
    • The new research plan to learn about the needs of the new audiences we’ve targeted: Babysitting age (12 to 15 years old) and independent elderly (aging in place)
    • Explore limits of “making dumb things smart” in the home.
  • During this week all team members are conducting the new Research plan
  • Next week in Portland the plan is
    • Summarize Research findings
    • Choose 2 or 3 problem areas from the Research findings to focus on
    • Brainstorm solutions to these and/or our next research plan
Project Sensor Web Cindy/Wesley On Target
Porting Nicole/David/Peter On Target
FlyWeb Nicole/Dylan On Target
Firefox OS Smartphone Sunset

Smartphone Transition Wiki

Smartphone Commercial Sunset (Karen) On Target
Code Transition (Julie) Challenged
Foxfooding (Jean) On Target
Transition to Volunteer Community (George) On Target
Participation Update Brian On Target
Metrics for CD Maria On Target
  • Last Friday we finished sprint 1 The target was transmitting a sample crash ping
  • Sprint 2 will be focused on fixing validation problems on the server side when transmitting the crash ping and starting the work in the Histograms library
    • It will require a high level design first so later we can decide what components to maintain or not.
Other Announcements -- --