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Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


dsmith, oardelean, dbarladeanu, apetridean, atrif, aflorinescu, csasca, epopescu, bmaris, dmeehan, mciure, phorea, RyanVM, pascalc, Aryx, btot, cbaica, asoncutean,amoldovan

Schedule Update

  • 119
    • No dot release planned before 120 go-live
  • 120
    • Desktop/Android 120.0rc2
    • iOS Firefox 120.0 rc2 distributed to external beta testers
      • iOS Focus/Firefox approved in the app store & set to go live Sunday 10pm EST
    • no esr respin planned
    • 120.0 go live is 2023-11-21
  • 121
    • Nightly 121 soft freeze has started
    • Merge day is Monday
      • Fenix AABs are riding the trains

Release quality metrics (Thursdays)

Desktop Stability


crash incidence (% of users experiencing a crash): 2.55% (-0.23pp compared to previous week)


crash incidence: 1.46% (-0.28pp)


crash incidence: 0.66% (-0.08pp)

Mobile Stability





  • Nightly 121 pre-merge smoke testing - in progress. No concerns.
  • Nightly 121 search regression testing - in progress. No concerns.

Aurora / Dev Edition



  • Android
    • Build Signoffs
      • Fenix & Focus
      • Beta 120.0b9 - status GREEN
      • RC 120.0 - status GREEN
    • Feature Testing
      • [QA-2146] Enhanced Cross Platform Suggest - Green sign-off sent for Beta 120.0b8
      • [QA-2154] Feature QA for CBH @ Android - in progress
      • [QA-2133] Review checker on, and - not started
      • [QA-2171] Shopping Catch All for v121 given we don't yet know what exactly is prioritized for 121 yet [Android] - not started


  • iOS
    • Build Signoffs
      • Firefox iOS v120 (36066) RC2 [GREEN]
      • Firefox iOS v120 (36024) RC1 [RED]
      • Focus iOS v120 (17371)RC1 [GREEN]
      • Firefox iOS v120 (35966) - Beta 9 - [GREEN]
    • Features
      • [QA-1994] - Fakespot Integration - Mobile iOS Core Shopping bottom sheet - YELLOW status in beta
      • [QA-1995] - Fakespot Integration - Mobile iOS Shopping Discovery - YELLOW status in beta
      • [QA-2148] - Enhanced Cross-Platform Suggest [iOS] - Test-cases already created, waiting for implementation to be done
      • [QA-2125] - Simplified Nav: Private Window Visual Refresh (iOS) - test cases creation in progress

Action items

Feature Status Review


  • Firefox 120
    • Enable the 1-click set to default option for MS store users considered challenged due to a QA identified bug. Feature owner is working to resolve. Seeking clarity around shipping and mitigation plans.
    • Launched a small Android Fakespot experiment in Beta 120 last week. Android and iOS are still on track for the big Fakespot experiment in 120 Release.
    • Android extensions GA (General Availability = allowing users to install any extensions marked as Android-compatible by extension developers). GA launch plan
  • Firefox 121
    • Fundamentals Enhancements: Browser Interaction Speed Perception/Responsiveness [Speed v1] remains challenged as the engineering resourcing for this project has been deprioritized.
    • interop-2023 Update URL parser to comply with URL standard considered challenged as the last bits of work (including enabling) have not yet landed
    • Start parent-initiated navigation from parent process directly has been enabled by default and may no longer be challenged! Waiting for confirmation from the feature owner that everything is looking good for Fx121.
    • OMT: Move OnStartRequest and OnStopRequest to the content process tracking has been split from HTML5Parser OnStopRequest - OMT and is now expected in Fx123.
    • Private Browsing Support: Cache API slipped to Fx122 due to an abundance of caution around a previosuly identified sec-high bug
    • Unify Segmentation slipped to Fx122 due to some outstanding issues and the looming soft code freeze
    • Revamp Clear Data Dialog (Nightly-only) slipped to Fx121 as the work wasn’t ready in time for the soft code freeze
    • Cookie Banner Handling on Android in Germany PBM.

SUMO Report

Roundtable & Special Topics

  • Holiday in the US next thursday, channel meeting will still take place

Retrospective (Tues 2wks from GA Release)

  • Fx119 retrospective planned for Tuesday 2023-11-21 08:00 - 08:45 PT