Thunderbird:2.0 Product Planning

Do not edit this list unless you are on the Thunderbird team. Keep comments to the discussion pages, please.

Thunderbird 2 Feature List Brainstorming

We are currently in pre-planning for Thunderbird 2, and would like to collect all the ideas for front-end, user-facing feature enhancements in a single place. Our goal is to create a single index that lists what sorts of things we're thinking of doing, with links to more detailed ideas about implementation specifics or concerns.

Thunderbird 2 will be happening on the 1.8 branch which is the same branch used for the 1.5 release.

note: mozilla platform feature enhancements are not in scope for this page; please refer to the Draft Gecko 1.9 Roadmap

We've built up a lot of really cool features and technologies in Thunderbird over the last couple of years. We'd like to make Thunderbird 2.0 focus on coming up with creative and innovative ways of exposing a lot of the information and features we've already built.

2.0 Feature Ideas

Feature Target References
New Mail Alerts

Provide more contextual information about new mail in the animated alert.

  • Show the first line of the message body.
  • Show Sender, Subject and Folder Information
2.0 Bug 312940
Folder Summary Tooltips

Allow users to quickly see the contents of new messages in unopened folders without forcing them to actually open the folder, and thus losing their current e-mail context.

2.0 Bug 314124
Favorite Folders

Support a global list of Favorite folders that can include folders from any account. Support other folder views such as Folders with Unread Messages.

2.0 Bug 251296
Tabbed Messages

The ability to have message tabs including the ability to reply, forward and perform all of the usual activities on tabbed messages. Integrated tabbed design with favorite folders across the top of the thread pane per Ben's design ideas.

Compact Folders

The ability to compact (all) folders with one Click.

Message Tags

Rebrand message labels as tags. Expand the functionality to include arbitrary number of tags and multiple tags per message. Investigate supporting auto generation of saved search folders for tags.


Rebrand message threads as conversations. Also, make it easier to group your message replies into folders other than the Sent folder.

2.0 Bug 301084
Cache Search Results for Saved Search Folders 2.0 / 3.0
UI Face Lift for the 3-pane Window

Come up with some fresh user interface changes for the 3-pane. Not sure what we mean here yet. Looking for ideas and mockups.

Full Mac OS X Support

This could include: Emulation for some Cocoa-standard keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl-A, Ctrl-E, Ctrl-K, Ctrl-Y, Addressbook support, Services support, AppleScript support, maybe Growl support, Spotlight integration, Metadata support, Slideshow features like optinal Dashboard Widget, better integration into existing iWork & iLife products

Support for Gmail-Accounts

The ability to get mails from Gmail-Accounts

setting imap acls, and write in ldap adressbooks

this features are a "must" to make Thunderbird groupware featured

Templates in Adressbook

The ability to insert templates for replies and new mails personalized for a contact.

Add all mail recipients to the addressbook

It should be possible to add all recipients listed in the "To" or "CC" header fields of selected incoming emails to an addressbook folder with only few clicks (or drag and drop). Multiple entries with the same email address should be removed optionally.

Function to export/import preferences

For reinstalling the application and installing it on lots of machines, the preferred program settings can be imported/exported. This is especially useful once more preferences come into the program with v2.0, for example custom message tags.

Function to check for absent attachments

A function that could be switched on and off and would check mail body text for signs that an attachment was intended (like "attached" etc.; extensible list might be best to accommodate other languages) but none actually is included. Function could be invoked at every send and display a warning message if criteria for absent attachments are met.

UI improvement in email display

The UI could need some improvement to give the program a fancy feeling. Suggested improvements are: a) make email preview more like print preview so user gets a better WYSIWYG feeling. This helps users to visualize an email as a piece of paper. b) display contents of an email folder not only in a list view, but also in small combined stack like list view (2 to 3 lines per entry, no columns) so the 3 column layout of thunderbird will show more information in the list view. See Outlook 2003 for example.

2.0 Bug 213945
Full IMAP compatibility

Using IMAP with (the biggest german freemailer) the names of the IMAP-folder seem incompatible. Thats why you always get two trash-folders. If you delete the second one, you get a new one at next reload or visit with thunderbird.

Support for MS Exchange-Server

Support for MS Exchange. This major feature allows a small or medium company to manage their email-system without using microsoft products or any other alternative software (e.g. Pegasus Mail). This feature may open up new resources for TB.

(could also be available as plugin/add-on for sale)

New Messages Folder

When using Imap - Let's have a folder containing folders with new messages. When a new message arrives, the folder is shown in "New Messages" Folder. When the message is read, the folder disapears again from "New Messages"

Generally more information

More information when checking for new mails. How many there are, how big, the connection speed and so on. (Full Header view support)

Full support for KDE enviroroment

Develpmoent of a full supported KDE frontend, inculding an menu-bar that can be moved, excluded or can act in MAC-OSX style.

Addressbook in XML format for better editibility/compatibility

Better and more flexible than this old-fashioned format used nowadays.

Sync Addressbook and Messages with cellphones and mobile devices. 2.0
Account improvement

Assign SMTP/identity to accounts/folders (like in TheBat) and not centrally.

Better group mailing functions

Kind of "buddy group list" e.g with forwarding a mail to the group except to sender

Switching mail folder without loosing quick search

Typing a quick search, switching folder, switching back, quick search lost *grr*

Overview over correspondency history

Better overview over correspondency with a sender/senders, over all folders

Addressbook: Customized presentation of entries

Custom representation of entries with having to change the value in "Display", e.g. #Last, #First (#Nick)

Auto-download on read

Automatic download in background while reading a new message, stopping on deleting.

Improved and more efficient search

Search often doesn't get the results expected even on local folders and even when a special message should be found. (sorry, no good example present)

Choose signature for each mail before sending

When writing emails the user should be able to select a previously configured signature. This could be useful for the use in companies where users write emails to both colleagues and customers. For internal emails it isn't necessary to append the whole address signature. Currently there is only one signature configurable in the settings for each account. It makes no sense to duplicate an account just for a second signature.

Mail redirect a.k.a "bounce"

Allow to redirect mail messages to other recipients.

Change From, Fcc on compose

Allow to modify your identity for a single mail on the fly.

QuickMove Extension

Define QM folder targets in the context menu.

Allow Empty Subject

on / off

Implement the "TB New Filter Extension"

The new filter actions are autoforward, autoreply, and play sound.

Remove duplicate messages

Removes duplicates by folder context menu e.g.

Muli messge attachment extractor

Store Documents ( e.g. letters ) in the Addressbook Contact Like in Outlook it would be helping, if letters and other files can be stored in the Contact via drag and drop. So it is possible to what you have written to the Contact you can open it directly from the Addressbook

Birthday-Cell in Addressbook and sync to Sunbird

A predefined cell for the birthday of the contact wich is automatically synced with sunbird

Indexed fulltext search

Automatically create a index of all saved messages, to make fast and incremental (already begin to search as you type the pattern) search possible. Search at present is to complicated and especially to "field/header-orientated".

More possibilities for auto-choosing identity

Make rules possible e.g. if a email is in this folder and I press reply, Thunderbird has to take that identity. Also clarify list of identities (e.g. only present those identities for actual account you're working on) and make nicknames for identites possible (e.g. work, private, ...).

Add more features for Usenet

Show indicator on groups that have new replies in watched threads, especially answers on own postings.

Use a text-file for abbreviations like in 40tude or scoring for messages like in 40tude.

2.0 Bugzilla 127692
Imap Subscription

use IMAP Subscriptions (check for new mails) stored on the IMAP server (i.e. setting up thunderbird it automatically uses the stored folder subscriptons)

Sieve Interface

Interface for centralized Mail Filtering and Vacation settings with a sieve server. Also edit these rules offline and sync them when online

Imap Offline and subscripton Interface

A interface where the whole Folder structure is shown and each folder can be checked if it is subscribed (check for new mails) or offline available.

selectable Signatures

When sending a mail you can not only choose the Identities but also the Signature

Edit sent/received emails

Possibility to edit emails that have been sent or received (not just add comments, but actually edit the original message like in Outlook w/ adding and removing text, changing format, etc.)
