Welcome to the Mozilla wiki page on HTML5. Please feel free to contribute new elements or new sections. -- Tantek

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by spec section

This section is very much a stub - please add to it to link to existing wiki pages.


test pages

For tests for specific elements, see the respective elements' pages above.

Tests for broader HTML5 support:

Collections of tests:

demo pages

These pages contain highly composite "tests" that are more about exploring the possibilities of HTML5 rather than exercising/testing any specific feature.


The spec:

spec issues

This is a flat list of spec issues that we're considering or pursuing fixes for. Individual issues are typically listed/described on the specific element they apply to. Much of this I've moved from my project page to this shared location to encourage more open collaboration on these fixes. — Tantek 17:03, 22 July 2010 (UTC)

Clustered by element:

see also