Auto-tools/Projects/Mozmill/Mozmill 2.0

< Auto-tools‎ | Projects‎ | Mozmill
Revision as of 01:27, 12 February 2011 by Jhammel (talk | contribs)

These are some preliminary thoughts for Mozmill 2.0. If you have a new idea, get a bug on file (Product Testing, component Mozmill) and we will get it triaged.

Current + bugs and ? bugs

Feature Priority Assignee Time Estimate
Refactor CLI P1 Jhammel 16hr
Js To Python interface P1 Ctalbert 40hr
Better Drag Drop support P1 Harth 40hr
Controller API P1 Ahal 40hr
Embedding API P1 Jhammel/Harth 40hr
Reporting and Logging P2 Jhammel 24hr
Manifest P1 Jhammel 8hr
Improve Debugging P1 Harth ??
Native Event Generation P1 Ctalbert/Ahal ??
E10s Support P2 ?? ??
Http Support P2 ?? 16hr
MozInfo P3 Jhammel 8hr