Thunderbird/Response text

Support questions posted on Knowledge Base forums

Hello. It is best to use the Thunderbird support forums ( for these kinds of questions. First, your question may already have been answered. Second, many more people track and answer new questions in the support forums than in the Knowledge Base forums. (The Knowledge Base forums are intended to be used for discussions, corrections and expansions to the articles.)

Some of the support threads based on searching "TERMS" (URL URL) look like they might be relevant, especially [URL URL]. I hope that helps!

tb-kb via Mozilla Contribute page

Support questions

Hello! Thanks for your interest in Thunderbird!

For questions like these, I suggest you take a look at our support site ( When I search "KEYWORDS", I see a number of threads that might have an answer to your problem. (URL) If you can't find an answer, try asking your question in a new thread.

I hope that helps!

Jennifer Zickerman
Thunderbird Documentation

Bug reports

Enhancement requests

Request to add support information to Knowledge Base

It would be great to have this question and answer added to the Thunderbird Knowledge Base ( The Knowledge Base is used by thousands of Thunderbird users every day and is the best source for accessible, authoritative documentation.

Could you help other Thunderbird users by creating an article (or adding the information to an existing article) that describes this problem and solution? Mozilla relies on our community of contributors, and we particularly hope that people who ask questions will pass on their knowledge to others.

It's easy:

1. Create an account on the Knowledge Base (

2. We use a forum as a TODO list for Knowledge Base enhancements. We've added this issue as an item to the TODO list (<>). Add a reply to the message that says you are working on the item.

3. Create the article ( or edit an existing article and add the new information.

4. Back on the forum thread, add another reply that says you have completed the changes.

Don't worry about making a mistake. Your article will be held for approval by the Knowledge Base administrators. We will check it over and then make it live.


- Check out "Improve the Knowledge Base" ( for more detailed instructions.

- Ask the admins for help by sending a message to

Thanks in advance for your contribution to the Thunderbird community!