

High-Level Mozilla goals

Firefox Desktop

  • ADI Growth 9%
  • Satisfaction 70%
  • Engagement 70%

Firefox Mobile

  • ADIs target 4.2M
  • Satisfaction 4.5 stars

Firefox OS

  • Launch 1Q2013
  • Carriers 1-2
  • OEMs 1-2

SUMO 2012 goals

Retain users

  • Maximize self-service efficiency
  • Achieve 100% action rate in user-to-user support

Improve our products

  • Listen to our users through more sources
  • Communicate user feedback better to developers

Meta goal: Grow our community


All products

  • [DONE] Implement tools improvements to streamline l10n contributions on SUMO Kadir, Rosana (Project plan)
  • [DONE] Google Analytics Implementation Kadir, Matt (Project plan)
  • [MISSED] Identify and implement way to automate CSAT Exit Survey Ibai, Matt (Project plan)
  • [MISSED] Get SUMO dedicated Mozilla Reps in 10 major locales, including Brazilian Portuguese — Rosana, Madalina(Project plan)
  • [DONE] Integrate the Reps SIG with the SUMO locales leaders Rosana (Project plan)
  • [MISSED] Launch the Firefox Clinics as part of the MozCoffees (3 Firefox Clinics on Q4) Rosana (Project plan)
  • [DONE] Reduce churn rate on support forum Madalina (Project plan)

Firefox Desktop

  • [DONE] Gain better user insights from SUMO Data (clustering)Matt, Tyler (Project plan)
  • [DONE] Provide a report to the organization giving key insights gained through Feedback and SupportMatt, Cheng, Tyler (Project plan)
  • [ON TRACK] Aurora feedback: Run feedback survey for Firefox 18, 19Tyler/Matt, Cheng ([1])
  • [AT RISK] Facebook for Firefox (Social API): Include links to special support documentation and videos in marketing material like the What’s New page, social media and blog posts Michael (Project plan)
  • [DELAYED] Engage Facebook users with a Reddit style AMA on Facebook explaining and answering questions about the new Facebook for Firefox (Social API) feature Michael, Madalina (Project plan)

Firefox Mobile

  • [MISSED] Implement new Mobile feedback reporting process Tyler (Project plan)
    • Improve Google Play sentiment analysis(Tyler, Cheng)
    • Integrate Input Tagging/Reporting
    • Increase visibility of SUMO feedback in Mobile development process
  • [DONE] Transition mobile user support to new owner Michelle, Roland (No project plan needed)
  • [DONE] Find 5 people to contribute to Firefox for Android support Madalina (Project plan)

Firefox OS

  • [DONE] Deliver on all Firefox OS Beta support readiness milestones on-time with high-quality Michelle (Project plan)
    • [DONE] Optimize SUMO for mobile devices in preparation for Firefox OS launch Michelle, Kadir (Project plan)
    • [ON TRACK] Implement support for multiple products in Kitsune Kadir (Project plan)
    • [DROPPED] Beta 2 documentation ready for L10n Michelle (Project plan)
    • [DROPPED] English training docs ready for OBs and partners Michelle (Project plan)
    • [DONE] Hire Helpdesk Tech Lead (alternatively contract a Portuguese speaking support rep that can dig in sooner rather than later) David, Michelle (No project plan needed)
    • [DROPPED] Define relationship with hardware OEM for deliveries of reports and documentation Michelle (project plan)
    • [AT RISK] Firefox OS community building resulting in Brazilian engagement in support (discussion forum participation & L10n planning for KB Rosana (Project plan)
    • [DONE] Assist with B2G Dogfooding/test drivers program that Release Engineering is driving from MV, SFCheng, Michelle (project plan)
  • Phase II Marketplace Support: Localization. Payments documentation Ibai (PROJECT PLAN MISSING)
    • [DONE] Localize content to Spanish and Portuguese: Hire PT speaking FTE.
    • [DONE] Define payment issue handling and flows.
  • [DONE] Prepare feedback gathering from Telefonica, Input, and KitsuneMatt, Cheng, Tyler (Project Plan)

Non-goals, yet important things to complete this quarter

  • Interim solution for community management tools and assesment for new SUMO specific tools or integration with a Mozilla wide community management system Rosana
  • Feedback/triage for release, beta, and aurora (16, 17, 10.5 EoL, 18(Jan 8)) Matt, Tyler
  • Push in product add-ons changes in product Matt, Cheng, Tyler, David (Project plan)