

We want users to have access to their data, in particular the data that forms their web-browsing context (bookmarks, tabs, web apps, passwords, etc.) from all of their devices. This data should be tied to their identity, so that logging into a device is sufficient to connect to all the services the user has previously set up, whether those services are provided by Mozilla or third parties. These are Identity-Attached Services, which, as a whole, we're code-naming PICL (Profile In the Cloud). While we figure out what PICL will include, and until we can demonstrate true user value, this is a Mozilla Labs project. If PICL is successful, it will subsume Firefox Sync.

Some early explorations of the issues surrounding this effort are available in this public Mozilla tech talk:

Use Cases



Rough Working Documents


We regularly build demos of working code.

Week ending Description Link Contact
2013-01-25 Tabs: Demo of an experimental tab-synchronization addon, using Persona for login and Firebase for realtime data storage. NOTE: the bug mentioned in the video has been fixed. Brian Warner
2013-02-01 Contacts: Proof of concept - Detecting and publishing changes to Contacts in PICL. Github code and documentation. Jed Parsons
2013-02-08 Server: Simple Loadtest Automation with AWS and FunkLoad. Github code and documentation. Ryan Kelly
2013-02-22 Persona dialog hosted in native firefox chrome - wip. Jed Parsons