QA/Browser Technologies/Meetings/2013-04-09


(eg. headcount, updates with staffing, vacation/away time)

  • PTO:

Take aways for last week

Fennec Updates

(eg. Status, top issues)

  • Mozilla (test lead)
  • SoftVision (Ioana, Teodora, Catalin, Adrian, Nicolae, Paul, Mihai )
    • Work done since last meeting
      • Logged issues
      • Watch assigned features - spreadsheet
      • Qa-wanted bugs
      • Regression window wanted
      • Bug verification
      • Firefox Mobile 20 RC . Results here
      • Firefox Mobile 21 Beta 1. Results here
      • Firefox Mobile 22 Aurora SignOff. Results here
    • Important bugs:
      • bug 859341 - Unable to build Firefox for Android : arm-linux-androideabi/bin/ld: fatal error: mmap: failed to allocate 1047420952 bytes for output file: Cannot allocate memory
      • bug 848320 - Android Flash crash in anp_surface_unlock
      • bug 848324 - Can't play flash videos on
      • bug 850154 - The Find in Page bar is displayed over the URL bar
      • bug 857459 - about:home content is not displayed at first start-up
      • bug 857480 - [TABLET] Tabs thumbnails are never displayed/updated
      • bug 857485 - Empty Awesomescreen results until closing the app and reopening it
  • Automation testing status
    • Progress on Robocop Automation
    • Bugs with work in progress:
      • bug 820859 - Robocop: Add test for 'Clear Private Data'
      • bug 830834 - Robocop: Add test for 'Show Search Suggestions' feature
      • bug 846340 - Robocop: Add test for 'Clear Site Settings'
      • bug 838596 - Robocop: Add test for 'Master Password' feature
      • bug 846296 - Robocop: Add test for 'Add Search Engine' feature
      • bug 833832 - Robocop: Add test for Import from Android feature
      • bug 855978 - Robocop: upgrade to robotium-solo-4.0.jar
      • bug 836818 - Intermittent testOverscroll | Checking gecko didn't draw unnecessarily - got true, expected false
    • Recently integrated patches:
      • bug 822259 - Robocop: Add test for Find in Page feature
      • bug 820276 - Robocop: Make editBookmark and checkBookmarkEdit methods available to other tests
      • bug 856518 - Robocop: Add better logging messages for the testDoorHanger test
  • Notes/Issues/Questions:
    • Robotium 4.0 seems to be unstable and causing failiures.
    • Still having issues with the Import from Android test - the database file for the Android Stock browser does not seem to be accessible on Tegras from the test harness
    • We are having issues building the latest sources. Field bug 859341 for this issue
  • Issues/Questions/ Proposals:

B2G Updates

  • SoftVision (Ioana)

BrowserID Updates

(eg. Status, top issues)

  • SoftVision (Catalin)
    • No updates
  • Mozilla (Tony)


Notes, discussion items and take aways