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  • Dial-in: Audio-only conference# 8600
    • People with Mozilla phones or softphones please dial x4000 Conf# 8600
    • US/Toll-free: +1 800 707 2533, (pin 4000) Conf# 8600
    • US/California/Mountain View: +1 650 903 0800, x4000 Conf# 8600
    • US/California/San Francisco: +1 415 762 5700, x4000 Conf# 8600
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    • Gmail Chat (requires Flash and the Google Talk plugin): paste +1 650 903 0800 into the Gmail Chat box that doesn't look like it accepts phone numbers
    • SkypeOut is free if you use the 800 number

All-hands Status Meeting Agenda

Items in this section will be shared during the live all-hand status meeting.

Friends of Mozilla  

Upcoming Events

This Week

  • Games Developer Conference March 17-21 in San Francisco
    • Mozilla booth and demos
    • Speakers: Martin Best, Vlad Vukicevic, Alon Zakai, Luke Wagner, Angelina Fabbro, Bill Maggs
    • Sponsored by: Marketplace, Developer Relations, and Platform teams
    • www.gdconf.com

Monday, 17 March

Tuesday, 18 March

Wednesday, 19 March

Thursday, 20 March

Friday, 21 March

  • Edge Conference London, March 21

Saturday, 22 March

Sunday, 23 March

Next Week

Project Status Updates (voice updates)

Firefox Desktop

Speaker Location:

  • Today is merge day, and that means that Australis and new Sync are getting merged to Firefox Beta. \o/

Firefox Mobile

Speaker Location:

Firefox OS

Speaker Location:


Speaker Location: nonverbal update

  • The Webmaker community explored the intersection of the Open Web w/ Open Ed. during Open Education Week last week. Doug Belshaw moderated a discussion in our Google + community–- feel free to add to the conversation.
  • Got web literacy curriculum? Help us build out open education resources that teach the mechanics, culture and citizenship of the web.
    • Send lesson plans, online tutorials, wiki pages, etc. to teachtheweb@mozillafoundation.org.
  • Global Hive- Mozilla is taking Hive global. Chris Lawrence, Senior Director of Webmaker Community and Hive Learning Networks, is publishing a series of blog posts outlining plans to establish Hive as a global effort linking local educators to an international community through the advancement of connected learning, web literacy, and digital skills.
  • Check out this volunteer's amazing blog. In the last three weeks along, he's documented:
    • WoMoz Maker Party
    • Hive Vizag Pop-Up
    • KidZilla Webmaker School Club event
  • Toronto Hive members held week-long girls Webmaking camp using Webmaker tools to build sites around causes important to them. They even came into the office to meet Kate, Ali and Chris to meet the people working on the tools they were using. Some examples of their final makes:
  ** https://glcodecamps.makes.org/thimble/haitian-girls-education-friday-8
  ** https://glcodecamps.makes.org/thimble/hdcst-in-danger-final

Open Badges

Speaker Location:

Mozilla Science Lab

Speaker Location:

Mozilla Reps

Speaker Location:

Grow Mozilla

Speaker Location:Mountain View

We're awarding Community Building Superstar Badges!

This month, we've been handing out shiny new Community Building Superstar Badges to people around the project who build community in awesome ways. Folks who have earned them to date include: Pierros Papadeas, Michelle Marovitch, Joel Maher, Emma Irwin, Jennie Rose Halperin, Henrik Mitsch, Brian Anderson, and Amie Tyrrel!

More information and a place to nominate community builders at: https://badges.mozilla.org/en-US/badges/badge/Community-building-rockstar - or reach out directly to me or David Boswell for more information.


Speaker Location:


Speaker Location:

Firefox Marketplace

Speaker Location:


Speaker Location: Mountain View

  • Bugzilla issues of last week - look out for the yammer post.
  • Welcome to the shiny new office!
    • Softphone users - ringring doesn't exist anymore, please use pbx.mtv2.mozilla.com
    • Wireless - Do NOT use Mozilla Guest, please use the Mozilla SSID, Accept the new wifi.mozilla.net certificate. Issues? Clear out your old Mozilla* wireless profiles
    • Wired - Ports under your desk are already lit up and are on the corp and voip vlans
    • Vidyo - New endpoint software, Room search is the only option. Some upstream issues are being worked on
    • Thank you to WPR, IT and our external partners AVDG for all the hard work!

Web Compatibility

Speaker Location: Toronto (miketaylr)

  • medium.com now you can see and create comments on Firefox for Android - thx Anton!
  • BBC iPlayer is now compatible with Firefox for Android.
  • mercadolibre/mercadolivre now serve the mobile site to Firefox for Android for all their sites in South America.
  • Lots of new testing by volunteers in Albania and Argentina
  • India leading the way in manual compatibility testing (big thanks to haseeb for leading the efforts!)

Report mobile site compat bugs.


The limit is 3 minutes per speaker. It's like a lightning talk, but don't feel that you have to have slides in order to make a presentation. If you plan on showing a video, you need to contact the Air Mozilla team before the day of the meeting or you will be deferred to the next week.

Presenter Title Topic Location Share? Media More Details
Who Are You? What Do You Do? What are you going to talk about? Where are you presenting from? (Moz Space, your house, space) Will you be sharing your screen? (yes/no, other info) Links to slides or images you want displayed on screen Link to where audience can find out more information
Kristin Baird Director of Integrated Marketing Vans Triple Crown of Surfing Brownbag Announcement SF No N/A N/A
Robyn Chau Events Project Manager Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2014 Moz SF No Activities Summary GDC Intranet Site
Amy Tsay Community Manager, AMO & Marketplace Community nominations of featured apps on Marketplace MV No Slides https://marketplace.firefox.com/nominate


Do you have a question about a Mozilla Project or initiative? Let us know by Friday- we'll do our best to get you an answer.

Please note that we may not always be able to get to every item on this list, but we will try!

Who are you? Area of question Question
What's your name? What do you work on? Is your question about policy, a product, a Foundation initiative, etc. What would you like to know?


Let's say hello to some new Mozillians! If you are not able to join the meeting live, you can add a link to a short video introducing yourself.

Introducing New Volunteers

New Volunteer(s) Introduced by Speaker location New Volunteer location Will be working on
Who is the new volunteer(s)? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where is the new person based? What will the new person be doing?

Introducing New Hires

New Hire Introduced by Speaker location New Hire location Will be working on
Who is the new hire? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where will the new person be working from? What will the new person be working on?
Jocelyn Liu Gina Yeh Taipei office Taipei office Firefox OS
Alison Shiue Brian Huang Taipei office Taipei office Firefox OS QA Engineer
Boris Chiou Steven Lee Taipei office Taipei office Firefox OS
Michelle Escalante Sheila Mooney Mountain View US Remote - WA Engineering Program Manager
Hope Nielson Jill Alvarez SF Office SF Office Recruiter

Introducing New Interns

New Intern Introduced by Speaker location New Hire location Will be working on
Who is the new intern? Who will be introducing that person? Where is the introducer? Where will the new person be working from? What will the new person be working on?


Notes and non-voice status updates that aren't part of the live meeting go here.

Status Updates By Team (*non-voice* updates)







Release Engineering


Test Execution


QA Community

Automation & Tools





Social Support