Program Management/Firefox/2014-Q2-Goals



  • JS: Define and implement an agile planning process for the JS team's 2014 roadmap.
  • WBGP: Reboot benchmark automation project and find an engineer to own it.
  • e10s: Take e10s to the next level! Work with a new engineering manager to plan a development roadmap and increase testing (from dogfooding and QA test days). Blog about e10s.
  • Shumway: Drive M2 and M3 milestones towards enabling Shumway on Nightly channel (for Flash banner ads).
  • Productivity: Work with Taras to reduce scope of my Developer Productivity investigation. Blog about Developer Productivity. Delegate subprojects to other people?
  • Personal: TBD


  • Continue to absorb information about and create structure for Geolocation team so they can successfully deliver MLS for FxOS
  • Manage risk around Find My Device and ensure it gets to market successfully in v2.0
  • Work with Sheila and Lawrence to help refine Firefox OS program communications
  • Transition Firefox for Android to Jenn
  • Pick up EPM support for games
  • Help get Rust baseline and set them up for ongoing schedule tracking


  • Work with Marco to further evolve the Desktop scrum process (splitting teams, improvements in estimation, planning, metrics etc...)
  • Work to design and implement a more useful dashboard for the Desktop scrum process
  • Work with Marco and Lawrence to define requirements and plan for a new backlog and iteration management tool (or tool improvements)
  • Document the Desktop scrum process, and associated procedures for future reference of new team members (and other teams wishing to adopt the process)
  • Work with Erin to transition Firefox for Android
  • Learn Mediawiki Markup syntax



  • Establish Desktop Triage process and teams.
  • Transition Trial Desktop planning group into three permanent planning groups.
  • Organize Firefox 31 & 32 demonstration sessions on Air Mozilla.
  • Establish Point Estimation Meetings separate from Planning Meetings.
  • Present median velocity and velocity range to Trial Desktop group for use in iteration planning.
  • Assist Desktop Senior Management Team with developing a Release Plan.


  • Work with games team to establish solid QA and documention now that tools are shipping.
  • Work with platform team to release SIMD, Shared Array Buffer, and GGC.
  • Continue to push perfy project on benchmarking, find new resource for it.
  • Monitor and support first shipping products using WebGL+asm.js.
  • Monitor and support first tool makers shipping WebGL+asm.js.
  • Work with BD to create a narrative to get more games onto FirefoxOS.
  • Clarify personal path forward in Mozilla.


  • Deliver FxOS Branding Certification v2 (v1 is status quo using existing test suites)
  • Work on OWDCRB TWG process and test suites
  • Foxtrot program deliverables


  • Help create a set of operational dashboards for monitoring FirefoxOS progress and activities.
  • Revive the weekly FirefoxOS status report.
  • Revive the all Mozilla Project/Program meet-up.
  • Become involved in a Mozilla initiative outside of Engineering.


  • work with Kyle to create informative visuals on burndown down requirements doc
  • work with teams to on-board, through differences across tracking
  • document how teams are marking up bugs - trying to find common ground
  • update media/webRTC wiki following some of Hema and Candice's styles
  • weekly status updates on webRTC, to predict early what can land for Fx32
  • EPM webRTC delivery across teams and partners
  • Determine what Hema needs from EPM
  • Reach out to other EPM's on other teams to know how i can collaborate better as a team