


P1 Firefox OS Basecamp

  • Significant Updates
  • Checkin/Status on Major Challenges
  • Questions and Concerns
    • [jsmith] Heard that payments was targeting end of October for feature complete, even though 9/28 is a target feature complete date

P2/3 Other Projects


Payments & Identity

  • payment & identity workflow will be feature-complete october 28
  • that is later than feature-complete for the basecamp device
  • direction on payments has changed
  • we have selected a payment processor: bango
  • will be interfacing with them starting immediately
  • ux flows drafted by maria, coordinating with tef/bluevia
  • opening bugs on identity and payments
  • new approach to payments!
  • payments are now direct to a payment processor
  • we have direct api calls for taking a credit card, charging to bill, adding developer to their account structure
  • we have removed ambiguity around tef/bluevia
  • in new architecture, client doesn't call processor directly, it calls marketplace, which delegates to processor
  • mozilla doesn't store privacy-sensitive information
  • identity is part of marketplace, not the device as a whole
  • payments and identity are "on the run" and we can move forward on getting it done
  • it is a solution waiting to be delivered
  • does this mean ability to ask user for payment is only exposed to marketplace?
  • any random website can use it
  • api remains the same
  • difference is that mozilla will host the payment server
  • will contact mozilla payment server, which implements security mechanisms
  • previously bluevia was responsible for implementing jwt flow
  • jwt is json web token:
  • any app can call for in-app payments, just like marketplace
  • does this mean we're building browserid into platform?
  • will be built into device for any app to use
  • it won't be specific to mozilla pay server, but mozilla pay server will call for identity
  • we will have a full-on implementation of browserid built into b2g?
  • core functionality for crypto will be running on device
  • user interface will be hosted
  • when will we land implementation?
  • most code is not in gaia/b2g
  • but all code will be landed by october 28
  • dietrich, mike treese, hopefully andreas also aware of this by now
  • working on landing a prototype implementation so we can do end-to-end testing
  • prototype intended to be done by october 19
  • january 15 is the drop-dead date for all basecamp code completion
  • but all client-side feature work must be done by october 28
  • after that only stabilization work can take place
  • QA is worried that they won't have enough time to test
  • bob moss raised this concern
  • there's a qa meeting today at three
  • january 15 is an absolute drop-dead client code completion date
  • partners are investing significant money in this project
  • they can't do that unless we can deliver on that date
  • server-side dates have not yet been determined
  • -> pmpcat to publish weekly status update

versioncheck service

  • marketplace version split off from addons version
  • it will require fewer servers than initially expected
  • we've ordered equipment, and it's on the way to the phoenix data center!


  • engagement work week coming up week of october 15
  • a bunch of marketing people will be in one place
  • a good captive audience to get people started dogfooding
  • every one of us should be walking around with a firefox os phone using it as our primary device and downloading app, checking identity, etc. on a daily basis
  • join the b2g test drivers program!

third-party apps

  • have we resolved third-party apps install/update issues?
  • fabrice has been landing patches
  • we're still missing one patch, and fabrice has some issues to discuss with sicking
  • fabrice's backend changes should land this week
  • etienne's frontend changes, which depend on fabrice's changes, probably won't make it until next week
  • shortlist of features that we may land within one or two weeks of september 28
  • this is on that list

android webrt blockers

  • bug 791246, bug 787188, bug 785547, bug 793796

android launch plan

  • october 18 beta launch targeting 3000 consumers
  • users can use either the release or the beta version of fennec - 16 release or 17 beta
  • release users currently number around one million
  • but marketing is targeting firefox 17 beta users, who currently number around 125k
  • marketplace will at that point become open for general consumption
  • dhorner expects to get significantly more than 3000 users
  • and services thinks the servers can support many more, although not sure how many
  • marketplace code is roughly based on AMO code, which supports many more users than that
  • go/no-go decision on october 8


  • an experimental prototype test environment for Firefox OS
  • an addon that makes it simple to install a test environment
  • we've decided to productize this prototype
  • we've made some progress in identifying resources
  • myk will focus on this as his primary project for the foreseeable future
  • tofumatt from fwenzel's team will participate
  • kdangoor has drafted a prd
  • myk will blog about the project this week

demo events

  • b2g/gaia teams should know about work like r2d2b2g
  • and apps team should see b2g/gaia demos
  • pmpcat and others will work on setting this up


  • -> pmpcat to publish weekly status update