Breakpad/Status Meetings/2013-August-14

Meeting Info

Breakpad status meetings occur on Wed at 11:00am Pacific Time.

Conference numbers:

   Vidyo: Stability 
   650-903-0800 x92 conf 98200#
   800-707-2533 (pin 369) conf 98200# 

IRC backchannel: #breakpad Mountain View: Dancing Baby (3rd floor)

Socorro Release Tracker
Socorro Bug Tracker


  • Where are we with QA? When can we ship?
  • bugs
Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Target milestone Priority Status Resolution Whiteboard
787240 permanently redirect URLs from old crash-stats site Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 56 -- VERIFIED FIXED
820512 submitter_app has no unit tests Gabriela Thumé 56 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
865791 Allow for arbitrary classification of crashes at processing and on-demand K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 56 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
889025 Django webapp with browserID: logging in should return you to the page you were on [DEACTIVATED] Adrian Gaudebert 56 -- VERIFIED FIXED
892672 Integrate socorro/integrationtests in Socorro Test Suite Gabriela Thumé 56 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
895928 Turn signature summary SQL code into matviews Selena Deckelmann :selenamarie :selena 56 -- RESOLVED FIXED [DB Changes][qa-]
897506 Update forced versions for correlations for Firefox cycle starting 2013-08-06 Robert Kaiser 56 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa-]
898061 "Show all threads" duplicates the crashing thread Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 56 -- VERIFIED FIXED
898536 Stage needs signature summary migration Selena Deckelmann :selenamarie :selena 56 -- RESOLVED FIXED [DB Changes][qa-]
899237 report_index is relying on raw crash's `InstallTime` being a safe integer to cast Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 56 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
899306 RawCrash == ProcessedCrash === CrashData Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 56 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
899562 Allow more fields in processed and raw crash Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 56 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
901130 Queries > 30 days fail [DEACTIVATED] Adrian Gaudebert 56 -- VERIFIED FIXED
901720 Report index hit with invalid crash IDs in the URL that don't 400 Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 56 -- VERIFIED FIXED
902058 reduce fakedata days for vagrant Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 56 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
902839 [dev][stage] Signature summary does not load on report/list pages Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 56 -- VERIFIED FIXED [regression]
905414 Signature summary multiplies percentage numbers by 100 Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 56 -- VERIFIED FIXED

17 Total; 0 Open (0%); 9 Resolved (52.94%); 8 Verified (47.06%);


  • Probably won't ship next week due to work week
  • bugs
Full Query
ID Summary Assigned to Target milestone Priority Status Resolution Whiteboard
682888 Topcrasher list doesn't validate to its doctype Schalk Neethling [:espressive] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
788063 [socorro-crashstats] html5-tidy template files Schalk Neethling [:espressive] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED [qa-]
789388 Breakpad revision link needs updating/doesn't go to the changeset Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
789514 Rank of 0 on topchangers report Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
790611 [socorro-crashstats] Always show links in crash reports on front page Schalk Neethling [:espressive] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
792205 Ratio totals for Crashes per ADU by O/S are incorrect Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
794149 The /crash_trends report date format should be in yyyy-mm-dd Schalk Neethling [:espressive] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
812282 Rename "ADU" to "ADI" in the UI Brandon Savage [:brandon] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
853452 Add devices to a Signature Summary matview Brandon Savage [:brandon] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-] [DB Changes]
884944 [socorro-crashstats] Colors in /daily once again don't match Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
889960 Failing to log in when prompted redirects to /login/ which is broken Brandon Savage [:brandon] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
890650 Investigate turning on rapid beta for Firefox Selena Deckelmann :selenamarie :selena 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED
894577 respond to SIGHUP by stopping, reloading config, then continuing K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
895930 Update layout for Signature Summary view Schalk Neethling [:espressive] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
895998 Jenkins tests are slow Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
898432 Table count is wrong 57 -- VERIFIED WONTFIX
904238 we need tests for socorro/external/postgresql/ Gabriela Thumé 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
904243 we need tests for socorro/external/postgresql/ Gabriela Thumé 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
905851 Upgrade to django 1.4.6 Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
906013 make crashstorage defaults consistent K Lars Lohn [:lars] [:klohn] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
906360 "Populate PostgreSQL Database" appears twice in install docs Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
906364 install docs still refer to socorro-crashstats Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
906962 We need a service that calls backfill functions of PostgreSQL and also tests for it Gabriela Thumé 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
907266 Admin Field lookup fails when nothing is returned by the server Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
907802 Redirect for legacy build URL Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
907861 Socorro build shipping without dependencies Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
907863 Add a link to the crash_trends report Brandon Savage [:brandon] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
907915 Going to TopCrasher with a version we're not using should 404 instead of trying to render the page Peter Bengtsson [:peterbe] 57 -- VERIFIED FIXED
908334 get webapp analytics Lonnen :lonnen 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-][StabilityWeek2013]
908454 convert old non-crontabber jobs over to use virtualenv Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]
909391 too much cronspam from crontabber lock Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED
909469 FakeData incorrectly sets a date for processed Robert Helmer [:rhelmer] 57 -- RESOLVED FIXED [qa-]

32 Total; 0 Open (0%); 16 Resolved (50%); 16 Verified (50%);

PR Triage

Other issues

  • How can we prod crontabber to move forward if we miss a day of ADU?
  • a few of us can't log into dev:
  • tmary would like to do some work on stage: a 1.5 hour downtime - after 56? next week?
  • Netops need to upgrade a switch in PHX1 which will mean the hard kind of downtime. Thoughts?
    • all hbase
    • master02
    • all processors
    • 3 of 6 collectors


  • selena out 8/13, and in SF 8/16 for ACM Queue meeting
  • Brandon in Paris 8/29 - 9/5
  • Adrian out tomorrow (8/15), French holiday
