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  • Chris updated stumbler to upload BSSIDs, not BSSID+SSID hashes.
  • Doug is implementing stumbler MapView.
  • Chris is talking to OpenWLANMap about integrating with their Android stumbler.


  • Hanno implemented "geolocate me" service API that is GLS-compatible and works in (some versions of) desktop Firefox!
  • Added Google Analytics to website, prior to any blog/twitter exposure
  • Added new "materialized view" for `/map` data and show a lot more data
  • Documentation updates, code refactoring, paying down some technical debt


  • Chris is pushing Legal to get an official opinion on what combination of BSSIDs, SSIDs, and BSSID+SSID hashes we can collect and publish.

Next Actions

  • Fail fast! To go public ASAP, we need to:
    • Stumbler:
      • Chris will ask Jishnu to approve stumbler privacy notice.
      • Chris will ask Jishnu and Gerv about what data license we should use for stumbler data, assuming we won't publish any data yet but we might in the near future.*** Land Doug's MapView
      • Publish stumbler in Google Play Store:
        • Chris will ask Fennec team about their certs and publishing process.
    • Server:
      • Chris will ask Jishnu to approve website privacy FAQ.
      • Hanno to add separate leaderboards for AP and cell counts, not total scan time.
    • Launch!
      • Chris will alert PR.
      • Hanno has written a blog post.
      • Gerv said he would like to write a blog post about geolocation data privacy.
      • Mark wants us to promote at Mozilla Summit. Where? Innovation Fair booth?
      • Success criteria: number of new users and geographic coverage