
Verbal Updates

Jason's Update

(Don't let Jason start talking until someone has agreed to take notes here)

  • Reminder: Keep filling out the etherpad!
  • 2017 Strategy review completed, but it was the day after the election, so... not too much feedback yet.
  • Fx51 will have WebGL 2, start thinking about what we can do for that.
  • Submitting budget request to get more formal video production training for evangelists

Announcements / Requests for Help / Discussion Topics

  • [potch] Chrome Developer Summit
    • PWA story has gone from "we want these to look like native" to "we want fast, reliable, and engaging websites"
    • Lots of blowback on Alex Russell's statements re: using anything but Preact and Polymer Is Bad, but the talk is actually very very good.
      • Does this open a door for us, re: Quantum? "They're saying it's bad to use these, but look, we fixed it on our end."

Action Items

(Last Week)

  • [callahad] Add Lin to mailing lists and mozdev GitHub org (done)
  • [potch] Update us once you know more about Quantum Style
    • Waiting for design details to get finalized.
  • [jweathersby] Review DevAdvocacy bugs with Callahad re: bug resolution rates (done)
  • [ladybenko] Obtain estimate for translating Spanish content, report back.
    • Got a quote! It was super high. Looking for alternative options
  • [callahad] Email "back to basics" theme idea to devrel list on Tuesday (oops)
    • Doing that now
  • [jen] Invite Lin to DevRel website
    • We're set here.

(This Week)

  • [all] Go through Jason's email re: Trello and add comments.
  • [jweathersby] Schedule one full day in Hawaii for teamwork
  • [jweathersby] Set up separate 2017 strategy meeting

Non-Verbal Updates

( Consider tracking your activity in IRC by talking to the 'rogerroger' bot in #devrel. Logs appear at )


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

  • Interviewed at wecodesign podcast
  • Adapt my content of the JS for gamedev so it fits an article form instead of slides, and some of Salva's
    • Got a quotation for translating the materials, it was too steep

This coming week:

  • Meet (right after this meeting!) in personw with the members of AdaJS to start organasing a gamedev workshop in Barcelona
  • JS for gamedev materials
    • Finishing proofreading + editing Salva's content
    • Compile it into ebook + online version
    • Write intro, requirements, etc. w/ Salva
  • Devrel website
    • Input content as sample
  • Do the index page at mozdevs github organisation (couldn't do it last week)


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

  • OSU mobile VR capstone program plan review
  • British Council AR/VR project support - hacked touch interactions and some other stuff into the demo to send for user testing.
  • Post-Mozfest paperwork, expenses, etc.
  • 2017 event planning for Asia itinerary
  • Rust+Arduino foundation coordination
  • Met w/ legal to talk over our transparency report
  • Planned developer marketing research review w/ branding team and devrel
  • 2017 budget planning
  • 2017 strategy brief
  • Talking w/ Shanghai makerspace guy about web api layer in android boards
  • Talked w/ various folks about video practices at MoCo/MoFo
  • Worked on AR demo
  • SXSW VR planning

This coming week:


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

This coming week:


Last week:

  • Published Mozilla Push Server now supports topics
  • Hacks posts on hold for one reason or another: Playcanvas and WebVR (stalled),
  • Work on confirming speakers for TS 2017 masterclasses: Lara Hogan, Catt Small (ongoing)
  • Booking team dinner for Hawaii
  • Discussions about TS budget & how to differentiate program from Reps

This coming week:

  • Rust videos launch on Hacks/medium/youtube 11/16
  • Looking for Hacks posts on Servo compositor; PlayCanvas; DevTools post from Tim Nguyen & Bgrins (for early next week)
  • Meet with People Rocket re: facilitation session
  • Our proposed elective "Get Inspired by Mozilla Tech Speakers" (Havi & Ioana) has been accepted for HI workweek - w00t!


Last week:

This coming week:

  • paperwork from traveling
  • DevRel website — assessing current status of content model (Is it ready to add content?)


Last week:

  • reading up on Rust, reviewing their 2017 plan

• proposed and started dev

This coming week:

  • finish

• start on Emscripten video using as an example • net mag profile on code cartoons


Last Week:

  • TS spreadsheet update
  • TS all-team meeting
  • PTO – Florida
  • I pulled my neck while playing with my nephew

This Week:

  • Budget update
  • Bi-weekly event feedback tracking update
  • Event Feedback Form data visualization
  • Tech Speakers meeting planning
  • I have a sore neck


Last week:

  • Chrome Dev Summit
    • TL;DR More of the same from them around PWA, but with far less emphasis in "like native" and fare more emphasis on new stuff like web payments and URLs!
  • Helped get back online

This coming week:

  • Further Quantum research!
  • Adding a newsletter signup widget to the hacks site


Last week:

  • Hosted PWA Team Meeting
  • Attended Chrome Dev Summit

This coming week:

  • Compilation of materials for gamedev course
  • Catch-up on several standards
  • Finalizing state of PWA technologies document
  • Come back to home

Last week:

This coming week: