

If you are listed as a participant below, please go to the Participants page! If you added your name to the sign up page, but it is not listed below, it's because you either forgot to provide contact information or did not specify a project idea that fits within the context of the course. If you think we made a mistake, write to phi DOT schmidt AT gmail DOT com.


Everyone who signed-up with a project idea and provided some background information was included in the course!

  1. Hans Põldoja, hans DOT poldoja AT tlu DOT ee, Research associate in Tallinn University, Estonia. I am one of the developers of OER authoring community LeMill. Also I am active in Estonian Wikiversity. My initial project idea is to design (and possibly develop) a lightweight aggregator for following student blogs. I have been organizing several open online courses and found out that I need something more than plain RSS reader to follow the course. Maybe it can be developed with Yahoo Pipes.
  2. Alex Mayorga Adame (Open course-ware for my English students or an fully open e-pals project)
  3. Aung Zayar Lwin, alwin AT alliant DOT edu (I have been an adjunct faculty and have been responsible for social and learning initiatives at MGSM at Alliant. I would like to explore development of an open content course on social computing and web 2.0 tools for organizations, using open tools as much as possible, of course.)
  4. Joss Winn, jwinn AT lincoln DOT ac DOT uk Technology Officer, University of Lincoln, UK. I run a new BuddyPress/WordPressMU install and would like to explore the ways students' existing/previous/personal digital profiles/portfolios can be aggregated into the platform and developed without being tied to the platform itself. Tags: Student identity, data portability, syndication, aggregation, collaboration, personal development, e-portfolios.
  5. Mathias Klang, senior lecturer at the University of Göteborg (west Sweden) I want to work with integrating web2.0 solutions into education in addition to updating methods of evaluation and examination.
  6. Susan Gaer I would like to investigate using open source software with ESL students at the non credit community college level.
  7. Brian Smith brian.teacher AT gmail DOT com . I want to develop firefox add-ons and software tools that will aid Elementary students in content creation, and e-portfolios. I am currently a Grade 5 teacher in Ontario, Canada. I have a student blog currently, and I will be setting up a personal one prior to the course.
  8. Andrew Shean,, Ed.D, Project Developer for Virtual High School at the Poway Unified School District and Adjunct for Alliant University GSOE. My project is to utilize Open Source resources to drive some of the content for our online high school.
  9. Elena M. Lopez, PhD; lopez.apclass at gmail dot com; I'm currently an online instructor for Colorado State University. I would like to explore the integration of Web 2.0 apps and the development of tutorials using opening source technologies for undergraduate-level courses serving non-traditional students.
  10. Wendall Cada, wendallc at 83864 dot com,, Free Software Developer and Software Developer for Essential Education Corporation, We are in the early planning phases of an instructional delivery and storyboarding system for the creation of learning courses. We plan to use firefox add-ons and new capabilities in Firefox 3.1+ for Audio, Video, JavaScript and SVG. We at various stages of planning or implementing several open education technologies into our current site and products. Creating a realistic plan and goals based on open content, open tech, and open pedagogy.
  11. Priit Tammets, tammets AT tlu DOT ee, Project plan would involve collecting ideas for open learning environment built upon Web 2.0 tools that are used by the students in their everyday life.
  12. Alek Tarkowski, alek AT creativecommons DOT pl, CC PL, Kultura 2.0 blog. I am the Public Lead of Creative Commons in Poland and also work at a research institute at University of Warsaw, where we promote open science. I'm building now an online collection of freely available Polish scientific books - as my project I would like to consider how this collection can be used as an active educational resource: what tools could be used to have students not just read, but interact with the works. (things like CommentPress, for example).
  13. Heili Saia heili1 at I study multimedium and learning systems and the project will be an aggregator to manage students blogs and group works.
  14. Guillermo Movia guillermo.movia at gmail DOT com, my blog is un ojo en el cielo I'.m a communication research an a memeber of Argentina's Mozilla Community. My project will be add-ons to Firefox to be more useful with moodle, an educational platform.
  15. Patrice Gans,, I teach technology at a small private school (K-8) and I am interested in  pursuing educational opportunities that allow me to utilize the latest web technologies.  Currently I am in the process of using wikis and blogs with my students.  We are using blogs and e-mail to share cultural information with an electronic pen-pals in Germany, and we are working on a wiki to help us organize information for a historical video of our school. I would like to develop interfaces that would be more intuitive for my younger students so that they can use on-line resources.
  16. Michael Rowe. Physiotherapy educator interested in the use of social media / new technologies to improve teaching and learning practice. Projects I currently run include OpenPhysio, an online physiotherapy reference using MediaWiki, and the use of blogging as a form of reflection in a physiotherapy ethics module (closed environment owing to sensitive nature of content). I'm also interested in open access, open source software and free culture. There are several projects I'm thinking about, including starting a national online physiotherapy textbook, collaboratively authored, that will be culturally and contextually relevant to South African students (under a creative commons license of course). International communication and discourse between academics, clinicians and students would necessarily make use of multiple channels of communication (blogs, Google Docs, wikis, VoIP, Twitter, etc.), which in itself would be interesting. Maybe too ambitious...?
  17. Karen Fasimpaur, (karen at k12opened dot com; Open ed blog) K-12 educator, professional development specialist, open ed evangelist, and co-founder of Kids Open Dictionary. I have worked in ed tech for 15+ years, have been a teacher, and have worked in textbook publishing (much to my chagrin now, but it was a great learning process) and software publishing. My project idea is to create an open writing space; see here for more info.
  18. Bernard Sadaka: sdkaaa [ a at t] gmail [d dot d] com . Computer and Communication Engineering, interested in education as major challenger for society problems. The project i would like to work on includes but is not restricted to the work on developing a framework for an online epistemic community through OER, Firefox and WikiPedia. The aim of this community is to provide the path to the use of structured knowledge in educational tools such as online epistemic games.
  19. Steven Egan, igenoukan AT gmail dot com, Learning Science Meets Game Design. Computer Science Major and game designer with about a decade of tutoring experience working with Jim Groom of UMW blogs to see what might come of some discussions on his blog. That's my background. In this course, I'm hoping to go farther in my project of creating a distributed/loosely connected OER library using a couple XML schema containing meta data and content. To implement that I want to create the XML schema, code generating tools, editing tools, displaying tools and navigation tools. The tools are currently (mostly) designed and a couple are partially coded in HTML and Javascript, using jQuery. More about my idea. That then can be used as a common resource for educators, students, designers, developers and the public at large to create open resources and support learning projects. Eventually I'm hoping to use it in small community created educational games and an educational MMO that I have partially designed. Between here and there, there are issues of portfolios, accreditation, evaluation and many other things.
  20. OLE Bolivia site, yama AT netoso dot com, Yamandú Ploskonka recent ICT activities. With several teams in Bolivia we seek Quality Education for All starting from an orphanage in La Paz. What makes our approach better and rather unique :-) is that we seek to help teachers perform their current job, by focusing on curricular content with a long-term view of making students better able to learn and perform academically. Tools include increasing participation in digital communities, content creation and sharing by teachers and students, skills building, awareness and adaptation to learning styles, and localization for Bolivian national languages and cultures. I am convinced about the advantages of browser-delivered content (for one thing, it can be quite platform independent), and actually am experimenting on making that work within the vanilla Sugar/XO platforms. Yamaplos 21:55, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
  21. Mafe Mago: mafism AT gmail dot com, just recently been active with online community, have been a teacher and Information Technology (SW), and now looking to put on my experience both in the academe and IT. My idea is to work on the idea of creating a portal where in it will include the different Open Source learning software , activities for kids, Wikis, Blogs, children's book reviews with a framework of a Social Networking (e.g facebook type) that children can call there space..and communities can create learning activity plug-ins.
  22. Charity Gamboa: Educator/Writer, cha (underscore) gamboa AT yahoo dot com, ...a professional license teacher in the Philippines for 10 years (8 years classroom and 2 years online/distance education for Koreans as a Head Teacher training and supervising online tutors)- also teaching Science, Technology and TESOL/TESL; ISOC PH IGF working group chairperson ; IGF Remote Participation Working Group (RPWG); contributor to Internet Governance Forum article in wikipedia English version and translated the article to "Tagalog" (Philippine national language); I would like to develop an open courseware on TESOL/TESL for online tutors teaching non-English speakers , specifically on learning activities and assessment my experience training online tutors I saw the need to collate ideas especially on best practices to teach/improve tutors' vocabulary and writing skills, and to eliminate common errors in Speech.
  23. Nate Otto: "Free Schooler"/Writer, ...a graduate of the Univ. of Oregon. I wrote my honors college thesis on metaphors to replace "Intellectual Property" that encourage stewardship of the commons of ideas. I would like to develop a short curriculum on Open Courseware resources for a small group of advanced high school students in a summer academy program. My goal is to teach students how to use OER and some individual strategies to enable classroom cooperation (and beyond) with web-based tools.I also want to develop a package of web tools that can be adapted to a range of middle/high school courses, which I can also use to host "free school" classes on my own server. I aim to help local teachers use OER strategies within their traditional classrooms.
  24. Abhijit Nadgouda,, - a software engineer who operates mostly in a freelancing mode. I am an open source and Linux enthusiast. I am interested in creating a platform to connect students from various disciplines and streams, across different schools and colleges, across countries, to come together online and execute concrete ideas, not necessarily software, for any domain. I would like to integrate micro-payments and official funds to sponsor such projects.
  25. Chris Campbell, bitdepth AT,, I would like to develop a collection of resources related to filmmaking and storytelling within the context of planning for production using tools such as Celtx and developing and sharing projects using the licenses provided through the Creative Commons project. These resources and courseware would be suitable for use individually and with facilitators for preparing, managing and sharing films created using the tools that are available. Personally I'd like to use the resources in my teaching and to enable people tell their stories. I'm an independent filmmaker who teaches at the Nova Scotia Community College and a long-time Creative Commons and free software advocate. I love helping people create works and share them and constantly am seeking out new ways to tell stories, remove barriers and establish connections.
  26. Charles Ishikawa,, Regional Public Health Planner, Cambridge Advanced Practice Center for Emergency Preparedness, Cambridge Public Health Department. Health Alert Networks (HAN) were created to better protect population health by enhancing communication amongst U.S. Public Health agencies, first responders and healthcare providers. Although fairly reliable technologies for redundant and expedient communication, these networks have not reached their full potential. There are a host of inefficiencies would be best improved by enhanced user training, protocol sharing, and evidence-based governance. I am interested in using open education technologies and practices to address system inefficiencies within the constraints of local and state Public Health.
  27. Melanie McBride, Mcbride DOT Melanie /at/ GMAIL Please see my bio for more extensive background. I am currently developing mashup curriculum within Howard Rheingold's Social Media classroom In addition to learning more about how I might integrate mozilla plugins into existing web2.0 teaching and learning, I'd like to examine how these tools could help educators to assess largely digitized assignments (like blogs). I currently use a wiki to collect and evaluate my student's blogs. Ideally, I'd like some mechanism to bookmark and easily assess digital works in a way that would provide fields for assessment criteria as well as highlighting items on the page for the student. I'm especially interested in Open Source tools as an alternative to clunky, top down, proprietary edu ware that currently dominates our institutions.
  28. Jacqueline A. Morris, jacqueline.morris at utt dot edu dot tt, Teacher Educator in the School of Learning, Cognition and Education. I'd like to work on developing an integrated toolkit for Caribbean educators to integrate web 2.0 technologies into the current regional curricula, and possibly testing it out on my current student teachers in the education technology course this summer semester.
  29. Eleonora Pantò, eleonora DOT panto /at/ GMAIL (italian) e (english). I am trying to raise awareness about oer in Italy: I already started a Ning Community I am going to launch a OER manual in Italian for teachers using a mediawiki. I am looking for your support for starting an initiative that will collect Emeritus that decide to release their works free (like Jacques Attali in France or Sergio Lepri /a journalist in Italy).
  30. Sign up is closed! We will not be checking for any new names on this list. The participants profiles have been moved here.