Engagement/Developer Engagement/Firefox App Wishlist

Firefox OS App Wishlist

This is a program for Mozillians and new contributors to participate in building apps for Firefox OS. As we prepare to launch in new markets, with a new low-priced device -- Firefox OS running on a 128MB platform -- we are seeking apps that will delight users and help round out our Marketplace offering.

For this program we are focusing on apps that are easy to develop by us - the Mozilla community. Therefore they can not be from a specific brand (i.e. whatsapp does not belong on this list), and they have to be possible to develop on the current FxOS platform.

If you'd like to participate, please select one of the 'wishlist' Firefox apps listed below and add your name, or feel free to add suggestions for apps you feel would be useful.

Our Goals

  • Inspire Mozillian app developers and contributors to sign up to work on "Most Wanted" locally relevant apps for the Firefox Marketplace
  • Promote and reward the best of the successfully completed "Most Wanted" apps
  • Create opportunities for developers and translators to participate and prioritize localization of the most important regionally relevant apps

App Content Requests

These are specific app requests from specific upcoming launch markets for Firefox OS. We believe that meeting the content requests and requirements of specific locales with engaging well-designed and easy-to-use apps can help Firefox OS/Marketplace succeed around the world. Start building apps! Submit them to Marketplace. Sign up below to build a specific app. Once your app is published, you will be eligible for a chance to receive a Flame reference device, to help you develop more new apps.:

App Suggestion Use Case Example App Countries to consider for this app Working on it (Name & Email)
Local Language/English Dictionary A dictionairy that allows me to look up English words as well as look up local words and get them translated to English. Will have to work offline. Bangla Dictionairy BA, IN
Medical Dictionairy - Bangla When someone is ill it is critical to be able to look up symptoms and get easy and understandable information to understand what is potentially wrong and empower users to either seek expert help or treat at home if possible. Needs to be visual and offline. Health & Symptom checker BA, IN
Mobile Number Locator Users who are bothered by missed calls and/or harassment calls, can benefit from seeing who is calling them before hand. This app helps users locate (down to state) where the call is coming from, to aid in this identification. Mobile Number Locator IN
Interview Questions Prep When going to a interview it can be daunting as you do not know what questions will arise. This app will allow users to prepare for interviews by having some of the basic questions ready as well as suggestions for answers. Technical Interview Questions IN


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