
Enterprise Working Group


Web browsers are the unsung heroes of an enterprise environment. Usually unnoticed in favor of the content and applications they host, they have silently established unquestioned status as a core, mission-critical application on every desktop. Notably, a knowledge worker spends so much time in a web browser, that productivity-driven efforts to personalize the end-user experience have steadily pushed the Browser to a Development Platform status. In fact, when speaking about its ever-popular Firefox, Mozilla explains the architecture of the Browser as "built on top of the Mozilla Platform". IE7 closely follows suit.

As a Development Platform, the Browser is well positioned to be an influential player in the desktop productivity arena, bridging the gap between the "out there" internet, and the "in here" desktop. Still, with all the hype and expectations, institutions and enterprises continue to struggle with the basics of management and security. And so, the Knowledge Worker ultimately pays this price.

The good news is that vendors are starting to take notice. Yet, the critical mass driving enterprise requirements is just not there. It will take a coordinated effort by enterprise-scale and innovative market makers to shape the Browser as The Killer Application for Enterprise. This starts here.

Welcome to the Enterprise Firefox Workgroup!


  • To establish a unified governance body around Enterprise Firefox.
  • To drive Enterprise requirements for the benefit of all Enterprise-scale firms and institutions
  • To help each other succeed in deploying Firefox within our environments
  • To recruit like-minded firms
  • To share risk and cost
  • To use industry influence to "raise the bar" on Web Browsers and push for WebDev best practices and open standards
  • To offer perscriptive guidelines around Firefox to peers
  • Please Add Or Revise as you see appropriate!

Rules of Engagement

Each of the calls will be organized around a central theme, with the primary goal being to simply communicate information and document that information, in the hopes that people inside and outside the group can learn from our experiences.

Our plan on the calls is to allow for completely anonymous participation with regards to the company/institution for which you work. We understand that there is the potential for sensitive information to be shared, so no one is required to share their affiliation on the phone call or in any documents produced by the Firefox Enterprise Working Group unless they choose to do so.


How to Participate and Post

Please create an account for your team/organization and name it something generic, like TeamA or BlueTeam, etc. Please post under these aliases so we can properly correlate submissions.

How are people using Firefox?

Please classify yourself and Post accordingly:

Fortune 500


Outreach and Education

Upcoming events and ideas for events targeting Enterprise Adopters will be posted to the Events Page.

Enterprise Firefox in the Blogosphere

Meeting History


Please use anonymous information here if necessary

Bugzilla Issues Tracked by EWG

The EWG Bugzilla page will highlight and track Bugs, Issues, Feature Requests, etc that are of interest to the Enterprise community. We encourage our peers to elevate these issues by voting on Bugzilla.
