

  1. Identify Baseline numbers for responsiveness and memory usage. This particular round of tests conducted on QA's test day focused on Warm Start.
  2. Capture and compare numbers across the Nightly, Aurora, Beta, and Release Channels.
  3. Capture and compare numbers against the Android stock browser, Opera, and Dolphin.
  4. Hone in a standardized methodology and develop a repeatable process to obtain numbers based on agreed upon standards of legitimacy.

Stretch Targets

  1. Include iOS, iPhone, and iPad comparisons.
  2. Use a proxy server for web pages.
  3. Add more types of tests such as Page Load, Panning, & Zooming.
  4. Perfect a workflow & purchase the hardware required for directly capturing the video stream. We are working with Ctalbert's team see the awesome wiki here:


1. Memory Usage will be completed on 10/12

2. The warm start tests will be repeated on camera on 10/12

 3. We will map out when cold start, page load, panning, zooming, & battery usage (from andreas) methods will be nailed down and tests conducted at the mobile work week starting 10/17

4. We are working with the Eideticker team (direct video stream capture). I'm thinking it might be good for them to talk to us at the work week. 

Methodology (for Warm Start)

1) Stop Watch
2) Android Device, in this case the focus was on tablets. We can repeat these tests on phones during the work week. The bulk of the tests were done on Naoki's ta

Warm Start :
1. go to Settings -> Manage Applications -> <Application> -> Clear Data
-> This should turn off Sync, clear the start page, clear addons, clean the profile
2. Start up Fennec and then change the start page to:
a) www.cnn.com
b) www.espn.com
c) www.wsj.com
d) www.nytimes.com
3) Go to Settings -> Manage Application -> <Application> -> Force stop prior to each page hit
4) Using a stop watch, start the application and stop the stop watch when the webpage finishes loading. " Loading"= Chrome and Content are loaded and available for interaction.
5) Record the numbers in the spreadsheet: http://goo.gl/lKXRL
6) Repeat 3 to 5 at least 5 times for each application"


Check out the Google Doc with a Results Summary (also see the raw data tab).