
Channel Meeting Details

Video/Teleconference Details

These notes are read by people who weren't able to attend the meeting. Please make sure to include links and context so they can be understood.


  • pascal ,drus, cfogel, avaida, philipp,tmaity, Aryx, lapahidean, mberlinger, obotisan, sdeiac, vlucaci, btot, asoncutean

Schedule Update

Current releases dashboard:

  • RC2 gtb later today
  • Fennec 68.3.0 pushed to 5% of our users

Release metrics

Report on release criteria metrics from DRIs

  • Stability
  • Performance
  • Security
  • Functionality

Off-train releases

Current Shield studies:


  • Rates shown below are actually from Wednesday, due to the fact marcia is out for Thanksgiving today


Today Crash Rate overall Crash Incidence overall %, Mission Control v1 rate Tuesday Crash Rate overall 1.83 Crash Incidence overall 4.96%, Mission Control v1 rate 6.26


Today Crash Rate overall Crash Incidence overall %, Mission Control v1 rate Tuesday Crash Rate overall 1.68 Crash Incidence overall 1.09%, Mission Control v1 rate 2.86

  • no apparent concerns from 71.0rc2 stability data so far


Today Crash Rate overall Crash Incidence overall %, Mission Control v1 rate Tuesday Crash Rate overall 1.39 Crash Incidence overall 1.04%, Mission Control v1 rate 2.14


  • Crash rate is calculated based on usage hours (the time Firefox is actively used).
  • Usage hours will be significantly lower on Fennec than on desktop Firefox, so we can't compare mobile rates to desktop rates.


fennec nightly summary score: 54.62, Tuesday 54.73


fennec beta summary score: 49.15, Tuesday 49.21

  • Nothing specific to call out for beta


fennec release summary score: 17.24, Tuesday 17.25

continue to be at the top of crash stats. Combined volume between the two signatures in both bugs is over 24K crashes

  • only 200 crashes or so from 68.3.0 - no new signatures in the top crashers list

Fenix/Firefox Preview



  • ESR 68.3 signed off, functional and update tests (esr-localtest) green



  • Nightly 72.0a1 Core Regression testing (round 2) - DONE - Status GREEN

Aurora / Dev Edition


Action items

Mobile Stability

  • Firefox 68.3b6 - signed off with status Green
  • Firefox 68.3.0 RC signed off with status Green
  • [Feature] WebSpeech API - pre-beta sign-off (YELLOW)

SUMO Report / User Advocacy


Special Topics

Post-Mortem (Tues 2wks from GA Release)