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Firefox Product Delivery Meeting Details

  • Wednesdays - Firefox 3 - 11:00am Pacific, 2:00pm Eastern, 18:00 UTC
  • Mozilla Building S
  • 650-903-0800 or 650-215-1282 x92 Conf# 8605 (US/INTL) <-- note new extension: x92 instead of x91!
  • 1-800-707-2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8605 (US)
  • #shiretoko for backchannel

NOTE: See Platform#Meeting_Notes for development meeting notes

Firefox 2.0.0.x / 3.0.x

  • & 3.0.4
    • Firefox 3.0.4 is code frozen and handed off to build
    • Firefox just had last patch checked in
    • After appropriate green cycles, we'll give the go to build
    • Unclear if scheduled release date is still possible.
  • Thunderbird
    • Schedule is on the wiki
    • Any problems with this schedule?
  • Firefox & 3.0.5
    • Proposed schedules are on the wiki
    • Please email me if you have any problems/questions with the schedule
    • We'll be giving QA a longer period this release, which means a quick code freeze
    • Code freeze is scheduled for Monday, November 17, at 11:59pm
  • Major update
    • Not clear when we're doing the next major update. Should know more next week (or after the round table!).


Weekly common issues

Firefox 3.1

Beta 1

  • about 100k users
  • probably want to get about twice that for beta 2

Beta 2

  • Plan for Beta 2
    • en-US string freeze is Thursday, October 30th at 11:59pm PDT
    • code freeze is Tuesday, November 4th at 11:59pm PDT
    • need to start thinking about how we want to highlight and present beta 2 to users
    • release roadmap


Support Firefox day focus on Localization of SUMO. Friday Nov 21st, various timezones. More info: contact Cww.

(should have a post on planet soon.)


2 more locales, details:

locales with pushes ...

this week
23 (be ca cs da de es-AR es-ES et eu fi fr he is it ko lt nb-NO pl pt-PT sk sv-SE tr zh-TW)
last week
7 (fy-NL hi-IN nl oc ru te zh-CN)
week before last
4 (eo ga-IE nn-NO si)
13 (en-GB gu-IN hu id ja ja-JP-mac mk pa-IN pt-BR ro sq sr uk)
just admins

Outreach going out tonight, general (blog and newsgroup post), plus individual for folks not in beta 1 and stale


  • Q: why is some work landing into hg without a bug number? (eg. enabling JIT)
  • Our top critical tracking issues blocking Beta 2 test development:
    • (Stephend) bug 450314 - use a special tag to block results from the awesomebar
      • Requested Blocking flag. Needs tests
    • (Marcia) bug 411929 - Private Browsing UI
      • Word is this will be land by thursday. Has been priortized.
    • (Marcia) bug 248970 - (PrivateBrowsing) Private Browsing mode (global toggle for saving/caching everything)
      • Requested Blocking flag. Needs tests and patch review.
    • (Marcia) bug 436304 - Implement "All Tabs" panel with previews
      • Requested blocking flag. Blocking litmus tests, need UI
    • (Marcia) bug 347930 - Tab strip should be a toolbar instead
      • Requested blocking flag. Blocking litmus tests, need UI
  • Fx3.1 Feature testing progress spreadsheet
    • Testplan completion %: 80% (last week: 67%)
    • Estimated testcases: 743 (last week: 444)
    • Testcase completion %: 46% (last week: 29%)
      • Targeted % by Beta 2 ship: Testplans 100% | Testcases 50%
      • Targeted % by RC1 ship: Testplans 100% | Testcases 90%
  • As always, Feature Testplans and progress here.
  • Private browsing testday pushed to 11/7 (marcia)
  • We'll be including updates to 3.1b1 crash reporting next week. (Thanks SS)
  • Will add a section in the 3.1 testplan this week to track support related issues we find

Release Engineering

  • coop doing FF2.0.0.18 bug 461264
  • joduinn doing FF3.0.4 bug 461267
  • bhearsum and nthomas plugging away on rel-automation for FF3.1beta2
  • after FF3.1beta2, RelEng will be creating FF3.1 project branch/repo. This will also require spinning up build/unittest/talos on that new project branch, delaying reopening tree. Still working out details, but anyone with ideas/opinions, please contact bhearsum or joduinn. See also upcoming posts to dev.planning.


  • Sheppy has been cranking on docs
    • Video + Audio docs continue
    • All interfaces that were documented in Firefox 3.0 are now updated for 3.1
    • Updated storage documentation (including async execution)
  • Add-ons status
    • Rey is doing a blog post every week
    • Paul started this week (yay!) and his first task is to help Rey with add-ons changes for 3.1 and act as a tech evang for XUL
  • Demo sites for 3.1
    • Video conference this week - talking to Wikipedia guys about <video>
    • Some more meetings next week
    • Need to talk to the zimbra folks as well


  • PR working on announcements for week of Nov 17 and week of Nov 24. Ideal to avoid overlap if possible. Please talk to Shappy about any pending releases in that time frame.


  • proposed beta 2 schedule (pessimistic)
    • code freeze nov 4th
    • builds start nov 7th
    • qa starts nov 10th
    • release targeted nov 20th
  • add-on compatibility for Firefox 3.1
    • concern that if add-ons aren't compatible for 3.1b2, our usage numbers will be low
    • chofmann: we should consider adding a third beta where the only additional "feature" is that we've had a cycle to get more add-ons compatible in order to increase our number of beta users
    • beltzner: could do that just as easily as an RC, though it might imply a longer RC phase
  • Firefox 2 end of life discussion (see discussion in dev.planning)
    • no objections beyond what's in that thread
    • second major update offer should probably be 1-2 weeks after we ship
      • need to be sure to avoid Nov 28th-Dec 1st as it's generally a high internet traffic time
      • target date for MU is dec 2nd, then?
  • Priority on polish (see discussion in dev.apps.firefox)