Foundation/Weekly Priorities/2020-04-13

Mozilla Foundation Weekly Priorities: April 13th, 2020 =

Key Dates

  • April 13 - Easter Monday (Public holiday in Germany, UK)
  • April 14 - Movement Building From Home launch
  • April 15 - Town Hall with board candidate Navrina Singh
  • April 15 - Deadline for Q1 Wellness report submissions
  • April 15 - First MozFest Wrangler Alumni Coffee/Tea Hour Call
  • April 22 - Monthly MoFo Call
  • April 23 - Second MozFest Wrangler Alumni Coffee/Tea Hour Call
  • Wednesdays - All-Mozilla weekly check-ins

What's Moving This Week

  • More than 100 applications have been received for the MOSS COVID-19 solutions fund in less than two weeks! The committee will be discussing the first batch of applications this week (Mehan)
  • Tech + Society Fellowship almost ready for launch; eyeing week of April 20th (Melissa)
  • COVID-19 contingency planning with fellows whose projects are impacted by the global pandemic (entire F&A team + operations)
  • Working on RFP, Application Guide, and Timeline for 2020-21 CMAs (Jenn)
  • Working on Ford grant renewal brief and budget (Amy, Bob, Kalpana)
  • Meeting with the MoFo Investment Committee on Thursday (Mark S)
  • AI white paper with first group of reviewers for initial round of feedback (Sarah W)
  • All Hands planning; prep for sharing engagement survey results (Lainie & Paul)
  • Finalizing content moderation article and outreach, scoping out landscape analysis (Kasia, Insights)
  • Launch Movement Building From Home calls, Wrangler Alumni calls, and new Wrangler recruiting (MozFest Team)
  • Videoconferencing app roundup, Storytelling platform review, Grants page, IA work Foundation site (Engagement)
  • Working on 2019 audit, closing February financials (Ops & Finance)
  • Testing solicitations with major donors and organizing briefings for foundations and donors (Partnerships)

Minutes From the Last Executive Team Weekly Meeting

  • Financial update
    • Reviewed 2019 and 2020 financials and forecasts as a follow-up from the April board meeting. Will review with directors later this week.
    • Juan joined for an update on fundraising approaches, and for a discussion about tone and messaging for upcoming major donor fundraising appeals.

Job Openings

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