
About This Project

GenOpen serves as a portal for collaborative Open Source Webmaking Projects where youth/kids (Generation Open!) are the project creators and contributors. Made Possible through Global Mozparties(any Webmaking event big or small), 'Generation Open' is the first Open Source project run completely by youth. Mentors help guide youth and teach them about open source contribution, but it's the youth that define the how and what will be created.

Contribution pieces range in focus, complexity and size (as with all Open Source projects). Coders, photographers, designers, writers, filmmakers – youth interested in digital technology in any way are invited to participate in GenOpen. The initiative will have equal focus on problem solving/inventing, online communication, digital storytelling, digital citizenship, collaboration, and many other important skills. Check out the Web Literacies grid for other skills Open Source projects help people learn!

Using GitHub, everything produced will be forkable and remixable. Mentors AND youth can badge learning that happens both in physical hackjams as well as online. The Open Ethos, a philosophical idea that working in a decentralized, innovative, remixable and transparent way leads to more innovation, will lead youth to understanding community, responsibility, decision making, etiquette, standards and other nuances of digital life.

Currently shepherded by MozReps, organizations around the world interested in spreading digital and web literacies are invited to get their youth participating. Although this page is in English, GenOpen hopes to be a multilingual, multicultural project, and we invite anyone to help us localize!

What Will We Build?

We're posing this question to kids and youth:

"If you could make anything on the web, what would it be? "

but we also have a 2 projects ready to contribute to right now.

The goal of this question is to help educators focus their particular group of youth and give them a simple frame to work within. Each locale will have a different ideas, and via collaboration and communication, youth around the world will decide on what this global project is, what the various components are, and how things will get done. They'll figure out how all their different ideas tie together, submit napkin sketches and prototypes, and otherwise go through the process of both local and global collaboration.

  • This project will eventually live at


See our contributors list...


Building Tools


Slide Deck (coming soon)

Get Involved

Join the Discussion


Question-to-youth form

  1. Create a new form in Google Docs (and share w/ emma.irwin AT
  2. Add link below

Popcorn Story

  1. Make a new audio of our story, upload it to Sound Cloud.
  2. Click 'Remix' on an existing Popcorn version, and swap-in your new Sound Cloud link (under Popcorn's Media tab), save and share! ( so easy !)
  3. Add link below

Grab a Task

Run an event (big or small) to contribute to one of our <a href="">existing projects</a>.

Run A Webmaker Event

Right now YOU can run a Webmaker event (popup, kitchen table, hackjam etc) and ask your participants to answer our project-defining question: 'If you could make anything on the web, what would it be?'. Participants *could* submit Thimble and Popcorn Maker links to explain their idea, but written responses are good too :)

Join a Community Call

Next One: Monday April 22nd 8AM PDT
