Jetpack/Weekly Meeting/2014-07-22


  • High Priority Work
  • SDK
    • Blockers?
  • e10s updates (zombie)
    • finished asyncifying ContentWorker and everything that uses it
    • and got most of the tests passing in e10s mode (there are other issues)
    • ready to clean up code, number of ugly hacks kept to just 1 (CCW/CPOW)
  • Roundtable
    • new contributors shoutout (to be released as part of firefox 33/34)
    • Robert Knight (first patch) replaced most usages of `for each` syntax
      • which also fixed some event bugs
    • Adrian Aichner (et al.) for testing jpm+fennec, with detailed reports
      • ...still appreciated, even if Jeff doesn't care ;)


Triage Followups

No results.

0 Total; 0 Open (0%); 0 Resolved (0%); 0 Verified (0%);

Open Bugs

Bugzilla query error

GD extension must be loaded.1



High Priority Work

  • JPM / Native
    • ready? all tests passing on windows
    • do we need to uplift to aurora to support jpm in 33?
    • need more docs
      • blog post should document this for people
      • reach out to 3rd party module authors
  • Devtools SDK
  • Button Badges
    • in review, platform implementation changing
    • top-level api
  • Mochi
      • progressing
      • investigating android
  • SDK 1.17
    • no issues yet
    • final release?
      • should mention JPM
      • Mossop, Canuckistani, Kwierso to co-ordinate release


  • Zombie, working on content-worker
  • lots of stuff depends on it
  • most tests passing, some remaining with minor issues
    • ready to start cleaning up code
    • some CPOWs issues, small hack
    • status:
        • compatibility is done, using CPOWS in some places


  • new contributors are awesome!