
Meeting Details

  • Time and location: Wednesday, 8 AM PST, conf bridge 206
  • irc.mozilla.org #l10n-drivers for back-channel

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Meeting Notes

  • Notetaker:
  • Attendees:
  • Put your talking points here.

Action Items


New locales updates

Khmer (km)


Current build channel: Beta

Blocks to release: Keep-up with strings on aurora; bug 758435

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week: Contacted Vannak and explained what he's ought to do for us to de-beta Firefox in Khmer.

Action items (provide assignments): Milos to wait and monitor aurora repository.

Acholi (ach)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Fulah (ff)


Current build channel: Aurora

Blocks to release: Go through beta channel.

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week: Got a positive feedback from Ibrahima on Fulah and confirmed the problems after initial landing are fixed.

Action items (provide assignments): Go into beta and test with broader audience, then release.

Malay (ms)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Burmese (my)


Current build channel:

Blocks to release:

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week:

Action items (provide assignments):

Maithili (mai)


Current build channel: Beta

Blocks to release: 2 p12n bugs, aurora is red

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week: Pinged Rajesh and Sangeeta, and committed some web-parts stuff for them.

Action items (provide assignments): Wait for response from localizers.

Wolof (wo)


Current build channel: Aurora

Blocks to release: p12n bugs(complete), aurora is red

Brief summary of interactions with the team from the past week: Pinged in release tracker bug

Action items (provide assignments): Discuss the current situation with Dwayne.

Project updates

Firefox Desktop

  • We got a late notice that we will need a Whatsnew page for Firefox 13 to promote new stuff with a video, the page content was finished by sgarrity 2 days ago (on the PHP site), I am working on getting that content for as many locales as we can and display a fallback neutral message for locales that won't have time to translate. The video will be on UniSubs, lmesa is working on writing the script down.
  • + we need a promotional snippet for the snippets service, should be good for next week though since few locales are needed

Firefox Mobile


  • still working on get involved and marketplace pages in bedrock, font problems are fixed and the base template is now localizable. Things are slowing down this week on this because of the work for Firefox 13
  • had a meeting with malexis, I insisted on the fact that we need a webdev person for our bedrock and pull requests needs in the EMEA timezone, Anthony will be this person. He started on Monday and already fixed bedrock bugs related to l10n (in particular, l10n-blocks should now really work)




  • The whatsnew page for Firefox 13 points to documentation on SUMO to explain the new tab and new home page behaviours, we pingef Michael Verdi from SUMO about it to ask him to put that task on top of the TODO list for localizers


Other engagement projects



Tools / L20n